Source Code


The name "Spam" was chosen in the 1930s when the product, whose original nameβ€”"Hormel Spiced Ham"β€”was far less memorable, began to lose market share. The name was chosen from multiple entries in a naming contest. A Hormel official once stated that the original meaning of the name Spam was "Shoulder of Pork and hAM". According to writer Marguerite Patten in Spam – The Cookbook, the name was suggested by Kenneth Daigneau, brother of the Hormel vice president and an actor.

Other explanations of the origin of the term include the acronym "Specially Processed American Meat", "Spiced Pork And haM", "Specially Processed Army Meat", and "SPAre hAM"; there are also some less-than-serious explanations, such as "Synthetically Produced Artificial Meat", "Some Parts Are Meat", "Someone's Pigs Are Missing", or "Stuff Posing As Meat". The current official explanation is the SP and AM were taken from "SPiced hAM" to win a $100 prize!

The humorous radio show Ask Dr. Science claimed it is an acronym for "Scientifically Produced Animal Matter", a product of the food synthesis experiments of the 1950s, whose "closest living relative was the Velveeta, a kind of synthetic jellyfish."

According to Hormel's trademark guidelines, Spam should be spelled with all capital letters and treated as an adjective, as in the phrase SPAM luncheon meat. However, barring having entered into a contract requiring one to do so, no one is legally obliged to follow such trademark guidelines. As with many other trademarks, such as Lego or Kleenex, people often refer to similar meat products as "Spam".

by ben the butcher January 17, 2006

85πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


posting useless crap on forums over and over


by spammer March 19, 2003

569πŸ‘ 216πŸ‘Ž


Basically anything that is overused repeatingly, or spammed.


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Here is an example of spam:

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by WhoDatFreshBoi June 20, 2017

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Use in excessive amounts; over use.

Video games: "I'm spamming grenades."

by HK_Freak_105 November 27, 2011

143πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž


1. Canned meat.
2. Stupid, pointless, annoying messages. Spam is often filled with pointless messages or repeatingly saying the same word, or an advertisement in something. Usually seen in forums and email.
3. Commonly used in an online game, FPS games mostly, is spamming something is using the same attack over and OVER and OVER again. No style whatsoever. Plus, it's annoying.

1. Spam is good.
2. I recommend you do not post spam, because you are prone to getting banned/suspended when that happens.
3. Spamming nades repeatingly is pretty annoying, except if you are working together. But they still hurt you. Yeah, it's pretty annoying.

by MisaTange July 6, 2009

46πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


1.A classic in Mony Python humor. Can be bought for a very cheap price.
2.E-Mails or posts on message boards that were either pointlessly made by an annoying person, or made to annoy that were made by an annoying person. Or a link to a computer virus.

Vikings:(singing and chanting)Spam, spam, spam, spam, wonderful spam,(etc.)...

by Unknown April 27, 2003

296πŸ‘ 125πŸ‘Ž


To rapidly post the same line in a chat room consecutively

Uber: Quit Spamming Chat Noob
Noob: u hav no lyfe
Noob: u hav no lyfe
Noob: u hav no lyfe
Noob: u hav no lyfe
Noob: u hav no lyfe
Noob: u hav no lyfe
Noob: u hav no lyfe

by Jediknight4587 May 29, 2005

970πŸ‘ 439πŸ‘Ž