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Losers buy SUVs to make up for their microscopic dicks.

by person yo-yo July 2, 2003

119๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


A massively oversized motorized vehicle that frequently blocks your view into traffic. Dangerous when parked, especially dangerous when in motion.

I'd pull out of the driveway but that SUV is blocking my view.

by corvus brachyrhynchos July 25, 2003

68๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


The SUV is suppose to be a sport utility vehicle.A rugged truck type of vehicle that is design for offroad purposes,cargo haulers and trailer haulers.The whole idea and concept of SUV since the 1990's has change since the suv has become a vehicle that is a commercial.The auto manufactures increasing making suvs.Before the 1990's GM Cadillac and ford lincoln didn't make an suv.Only made luxury cars.The suv has became a trend and a lifestyle among suburbia people that have to compete with the jones.Majority of suvs never hit offroad dirt road trails.Most suvs are gas guzzler vehicle that support terriorst due to have to have a higher demand for oil and most suvs are not echonomical.SUVs are owned among soccer moms or dads that live in the suburbs to haul kids to school in.Suvs are ugly boxy vehicle that are the size of a sherman tank.The suv is not a very good of center of gravity that has increase risk of rollovers.The suv is the upgrade vehicle of the minivan.What is sad but true is that the road is flooded with suvs with suvs flocked on parking lots,flocked on driveways of the suburbia neighborhood.This is the idea of people that share the same brain and don't believe being and individual. Today idea of owning an suv is to be trendy and to fit in with the folks.Alot of the suvs look like cookie cutters.

Soccer mom has to take her little tykes to school and soccer practice in the sherman tank suv that seat about 7 passengers, but only has 2 children.The suv is very thirsty at the gas pump.To fill up an suv can take up to more than 50.00 to fill up the tank with gas prices almost at 3.00 a gallon.Most suvs get less than 20 mpg unless buy the new hibrid

by clcamaro September 10, 2007

25๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


SUV: Driven most the massess cause they are so gullible and believe they have a need to drive a land yacht of a vehicle that get's 9mpg and is tottaly un-safe that's trendy!!! Mostly seen driven by Angry Soccer Moms, Angry Wall Street Dads, And Other Suburban Status Whores(aka middle class, upper middle class and the rich).

Look at that moron driving that SUV, doesn't he know it's unsafe.

by John April 5, 2005

75๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


what soccer moms need to drive their fat kids around without, the kid crushing the car

also known as idiot mobile

by shade December 15, 2004

54๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


Gas guzzlers driven by cum guzzlers.

Some bitch cut me off in her SUV, obviously in a hurry to get home in time for a faceload.

by suv driver December 12, 2006

46๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


Vehicle improperly named by General Motors in the early stages of production. UARV (URBAN ASSAULT ROLLOVER VEHICLE)correctly defines this worthless, gas guzzling beast we call an SUV.

"I cant see in front of me because this damn UARV is blocking my view."

by CrazyOlCoot September 5, 2003

42๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž