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Patrick Samu

he live sin romania and hes really very quite cool

i love patrick samu

by ilovepatricksamu March 29, 2022


samu is a shy girl but easy to talk you
Likes boys a lot and has a very beautiful smile

Enjoys her space and always want to fit in , has a good heart but can be sassy at times , falls really hard and take time to heal

Samu : I really like boys

by Martin12334 November 22, 2021


A man who will always be with his baby mama . Don’t waste your time sis !

Damn samu back with his baby mama !

by tammybensen January 30, 2020


Samu is the kid in the group who cares too much about his hair

Me: look at samu with that hair
Friend: yeah it took him 2 hourse today

by Anonymous. JB October 12, 2019


The best twitter user to ever exist who stans the greatest player and goalkeeper of all time, David De Gea. Dembele is a no-no.

Is that Samu? Damn, he reps the greatest goalkeeper of all time.

by Goatwoodhive July 1, 2021


A person who, for reasons unknown has been given the name Samu, is often a finnish mariner, who likes to search his name on the internet to find funny traits about his personality, which more often than not is too much to describe on a single page of and internet dictionary

Hey! Have you seen Samu? I swear I could’ve heard him speak! (Samus are often known for their extraordinary loud voices)

by Iliketodefinenames November 21, 2021


A sexy female who uses bird magic to kill evil space aliens.


by Metroid > Zelda June 26, 2023