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was machen mit diene scheisse?

What's up with your shit?

If you want to be a homie to a kraut and find out wassup, just ask was machen mit diene scheisse?

by Maui Steve December 5, 2007

4👍 19👎


Scheisse is a word from the language called german thats mean beautiful

for example your food taste like Scheisse, you are Scheisse you chould name your child Scheisse

by ABSM#2005 June 30, 2023


1) A light cuss word in Germany. It directly translates to "shit", but in southern Germany kids will say it and not get in trouble. It really only means "crap".

2) An americanised way of spelling "sheiße", since the double s is hard to understand for most non-Germans and is hard to type on an american english keyboard.

3) A Lady Gaga song. Very surprising because she isn't German and she literally doesn't know a living fuck about pronunciation.

Scheisse! Ich habe vergessen, die Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft im Fernsehen zu sehen!

by VailStraightliner December 29, 2016