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A bitter little country, thoroughly upset that it plays no significant part in world affairs. Its native population enjoys being so anti-English that it gets boring to listen to after about 5 minutes. A nation so great that many Scots find it necessary to leave their homeland and settle down elsewhere...

Shame about the inhabitants really because the countryside is stunning! Glen Coe is a particular favourite spot of mine.

Josh: Can you name me a country that lives in the past

Bill: I believe Scotland is one

by much_too_much March 6, 2010

47πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž


Where Ewan McGregor comes from!

You: "Where do Ewan McGregor come from?"
Me: "Scotland"

by Fgsfgd March 23, 2011

9πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A odd little country, north of England and part of the UK and Great Britain whether they like it or not. Painfully patriotic, but actually very nice people. Lovely scenery and all that jazz. Some of the population like to show themselves up by claiming they hate the English. Don't be silly. We don't hate you, so why this in return?
They have a tendency to cling onto happenings which are probably around 500 years old and never stop going on about how much heritage they have. They will get rowdy when drunk, and some of the girls do have quite strange (read: gruff as 'owt) voices, but they are NOT all ginger, do NOT all live in castles, are NOT permanently drunk (although questionable), and they do NOT parade around in kilts (although all Scottish men should, because they're sexy).

Scotland's lovely, go visit. But it is a little cold.

"well, actually.."

"Patriotic bastard."


by squibblezzz June 17, 2008

40πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


Scotland is a country in the united kingdom. It is north of England.We have our own parliment, which has many more powers than the irish assembly and wateva the fuck the welsh have, we get more money per head of population than any other country in britain (yay us!) this means, england pay US, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. England are not "stealing" our oil, as Alex Salmond (leader of scottish nationalist party) would like u 2 believe.The oil will eventually run out and we cannot support our economon just this. Scottish independace is a romantisied idea, which is nice in concept but wouldnt work :) i am scottish and i believe in unionism

Scotland roxs
And so does its people
we have REAL MEN (no underwear, even when its calwd (translation: cold))
We totally rock, but cant survive without our annoying older brother england

girl1: that guy is soo hot
girl2: hes so manly
girl3: he must b from Scotland

by pamplemousse776 February 22, 2009

47πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž


The part of England that isn't England.

Oi Scotland is not England.

by dΓ½lΓ‘nΓ°ur August 1, 2018

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The Country that’s Above And on Top of England In every respect. Scotland Rocks!

Jesus: But Father you have created this wonderous land with beautiful scenery and natural wonders, why are you so generous to these people?
God: Yes my Son! But wait untill you see the Neighbours I am giving them!

Scotland is way Nicer Than England

by william the wallace March 15, 2006

32πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


Gaelic name: Alba

1 Described by First Minister Jack MacConnel as "The best small country in the world".

2 Is responsible for The United Kingdom, as it subsidises England, rescently stoped the English from electing the pro-ethnic cleansing Conservative party, and does all the fighting in Iraq.

3 The only country in the world to have a First Past the Post system of government and a 6 party system.

4 Invented everything of use in the world

5 The only country in the world which has a minority of people who speak the official language

6 Best Primary Education in the world and 6th best secondary education (after Japan, S Korea, and Scandanavia)

7 The northernmost country of the United Kingdom. Reknowned for tartans/kilts(which men look stunning in!), the lovely Highlands, many languages & bagpipes

8 Scotland is the most patriotic country in the world which doesn't artificially create partiatism using propaganda.

9 The Country thats Above And on Top of England In every respect. The British Canada! :DD

10 an awesome country full of glens, lochs, mountains, islands, tartans, castles, great food, and the coolest accents (:

scotland rocks! ((:

by sabscot May 30, 2009

18πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž