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shit stick

Someone or something used to cause trouble

I am gonna get out my big shit stick and really stir things up.

by cornhole 73 August 9, 2011

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Occam's shit stick

Occam's shit stick is the opposite of Occam's razor. Occam's shit stick is when a conventional explanation of something seems complicated and to explain away perceived inconsistencies one come's up with an even more complicated explanation which is filled with even more (usually profound) inconsistencies.

Petey made heavy use of Occam's shit stick to further his 911 conspiracy theories.

by cosmicaug October 7, 2009

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shit stick

1. A moment when all luck is bad.
2. A cruel insult for someone you hate.

1. I just got beat with the shit stick!2. I am gonna cap yo ass with a 9-, shit stick.

by CJ March 8, 2004

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Side Pocket Shit Stick

While shooting a game of pool, a person will drop their trousers, "prairie dog" a turd out of their anus, chalk said turd, make a shot in any hole on the table, then slowly suck the turd back into their sphincter, while never letting the excrement touch the pool table.

He totally used the Side Pocket Shit Stick to win that game!

by H3ddeeecaca February 12, 2023

Shit On Stick

A phrase used to describe a weird person or a jerk.

Chidi looks like a shit on stick.

by Anonymouss01 February 6, 2019

Shit a stick

Variation on "have a cow"

Ryan: Dude, why did you eat my last damn Poptart?!
Alex: Dont shit a stick man, i dident know it was your last one!

by Hammie V. August 12, 2008

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Shit the stick

To Fuck around, Hang out, or Chill. Various activities - none of which are productive. A general activity for many young americans.

Dave: "Yo bro call me this weekend we can shit the stick."

Clark: "Yeah man, for sure."

by Bingo Gringo March 11, 2011

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