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simon cowell

A 44 year old man who's straight and going out with the wrong person. Always flirts with American Idol judge, Paula Abdul, and makes fun of Ryan Seacrest. Judge currently on American Idol and used 2 be on Pop Idol, does alomst absolutely nothing and makes millions.

Are u in love with Paula Abdul like Simon Cowell?

by saulafan288 June 20, 2004

810๐Ÿ‘ 854๐Ÿ‘Ž

simon cowell

One of the only judges on American Idol whos honest and fair and tells the truth

::some idiot on american idol sang horribly::

randy/ i give u props dog!
( geez, thats very constuctive)

paula/ you look absolutely wonderful! (like what does that have to do w/ singing)

simon/ sorry to say but that was dreadful! totally off key!
(very honest and helpful!)

by urbanslushie July 25, 2004

1099๐Ÿ‘ 1230๐Ÿ‘Ž

simon cowell

Greatness. Pulls out the really rubbish singers to give us greatness.

That guy who sang "Like A Virgin" deserved it all the way.

by Mister Ignorant April 1, 2004

467๐Ÿ‘ 510๐Ÿ‘Ž

simon cowell

The only judge on American Idol that gives constructive critisism and an honest opinion. He's the entire reason for watching this show that was lame from the start. He wears tight black shirts (most of the time) and likes to tease Ryan Seacrest. That washed-up pop diva Paula Abdul is just one more punch on the arm away from getting Britishly bitchslapped by Mr. Cowell.

*No apologies to the American public are necessary.*

Simon Cowell: I hated it.

Paula: Oh, grow up! *punches Simon on the arm for the 50th time that episode*

Simon: THAT'S IT! *backhands Paula* Now you'll REALLY need those painkillers.

by mosnar June 6, 2006

466๐Ÿ‘ 515๐Ÿ‘Ž

simon cowell day

A day when u just wanna criticise anything and everything around u....regardless of how good the day is actually going...with reference to a certain Simon Cowell, the ultimate critic

Man...yesterday I had such a Simon Cowell day...I was fishing on my sailboat, doing some Bud, with my wife blowing my pipe...and I still found a reason to complain!!!

by Animesh Prasad June 19, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Simon Cowell Effect

This phenomenon involves the making of an extortionate amount of money from an individual or group of people with little or no discernable talent.

A: That Cheryl Cole is so popular...why do you think it is?

B: Must be the Simon Cowell effect....

by Supersare June 25, 2011

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Simon Cowell anti-christ

Simon Cowell, the most evil person in the world is actually the anti-christ.

Simon Cowell, the creator of idol and x-factor, also known for signing terrible ''''''musicians'''''' as 5ive, westlife and Il Divo, Is secretly on a mission to destroy all that is good about music by homogenizing it and changing it from being all about music into all about marketing. Soon all our musicians will be attractive white folk with perfect teeth and no creative talent, knowing only how to sing vapid, cliched love songs in the style of karaoke if he is not stopped soon.

Simon Cowell evil vapid anti-christ bad music new hitler cunt fuckhead dick anti music patronizing
Simon Cowell anti-christ

by Daneoid81 February 17, 2011

20๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž