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Sincere hug

A hug that is completely unexpected but super nice , sincere if you must .

Ex: Joe stuck out his hand for a handshake, but when Adri went to shake it ,he yelled sike bitch and hugged her . It was quite sincere.

Ex: Joe stuck out his hand for a handshake, but when Adri went to shake it ,he yelled sike bitch and gave her a sincere hug. It was quite sincere.

by Notabutthole February 11, 2016

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perfectly sincere popcorn

an act or action that stands in a state of unselfishness that is so pure it is entertaining and possibly odd.

When he saw that she was about to step over a puddle he instead took his pants off and placed them over the puddle. It was perfectly sincere popcorn.

by ben claude May 6, 2003

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most sincerely dead

From The Wizard of Oz when the Munchkin coroner declares the witch most sincerely dead. Now commonly used for comatose organ donors who have been declared brain dead.

ICU Nurse: "We've got a comatose head trauma with a signed donor card. Just declared brain dead, so you can assemble the harvest team stat."
Transplant coordinator: "How dead is he?"
ICU Nurse: "Oh, he's really most sincerely dead."

by ghostie girl March 29, 2014

long island sincerity

A form of sincerity that holds nothing back. Completely and totally honest. Every aspect is real.

jack: That band has long island sincerity.
sally: Yeah, they remind me of Brand New.

by Leslieeee February 10, 2008

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Sincerism is an rap collective. The collective consists of Aeterluv, Fairy5100, Anth5ny, Onekadin, Raidurr, and Fwjay.

Yo have you heard of the collective sincerism?

by hellachecks December 11, 2022

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underground soundcloud rap collective

sincerism is so fye

by kashkount March 1, 2023


Sincere is a sexy photogenic type of girl she gives off an pornstar type of vibe if you get close with a sincere they will love you dearly

Damn sincere should rape me

by Syncerer November 25, 2021