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simeran singh

Simeran Singh has a very tiny penis and is known for going gym just to walk around and view everyone doing deadlifting while he is sitting back and making sure his bold spot isnt going any bigger

wow man simeran singh is a fucking faggot

by Simerans Dirty Moot February 21, 2018

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Navi Singh

A 5/10 b**chless fatty. One of the most boring people you will meet. A liar with a tiny deformed d*ck. Fumbled the baddest b*tch due to him not knowing how to act around other females.

How did Navi Singh pull her??

by realasitgetslol March 24, 2023

Ashi Singh

In 12th August 1997, an angel was sent to Earth dressed like a human. She was named Ashi Singh. The girl who was hated and rejected by people, today rules millions of hearts. The person with the most beautiful smile and the most beautiful heart. Ashi is most humble and amazing person you will ever meet. Always there for her family and friends. If you are her friend then DO NOT EVER LOSE HER. She is the most unique, hardworking and dedicated person. She never fails to bring a smile on the faces of her fans. Ashi has always been strong despite all the negativity. She is a perfect IDOL. She is the reason behind the happiness of millions of people. She is a QUEEN in true words.

Her name rules our lips and she rules our hearts.
We love Ashi Singh

by sidashifanforever July 19, 2021

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Jason Singh

Jason Singh

Jason Singh is an incredibly fun guy who can make anybody laugh! Known to be the life of the party. Has slick sense of style and can also rock the naked look. Unfortunately has been through a lot but has made him who he is today. He has a kind heart and and wants the best result in every situation. If only people treated him how nice he treats people. He is very loyal and has strong values, which can sometimes get him into a pickle. If you meet a Jason Singh be sure to treat him right. He is one in a million and you don't want to pass that chance up!

"That person is just like a Jason Singh"

"That party rocked! There totally was a Jason Singh there"

" Why can't you be more like a Jason Singh?

by Wonderingwhatsgood February 25, 2010

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vinay singh

Vinay Singh is a person with ideologies , soft hearted , a lover and a loyal person.

Short-tempered tho'.

Vinay Singh will be there!

by us June 3, 2019

suman singh

A girl who is lonely with a lot of emotional scars, but always keeps a smile on her face. She puts on the bravery act, but she's actually very soft person. She loses her temper easily and lots of people either hate or are afraid of her. Warning she is a trained professional and can kill you, try not to irritate her.

Omg is that a Suman Singh?
Wow, she's different from everyone else. I really like her. I love Suman Singh!!!

by LonelyLove29 December 9, 2015

Shashwat Singh

A God in the flesh, as good as humanity gets on this Earth.

God= Shashwat Singh

by Machinist_in_your_penis January 25, 2021