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Doktor Skipper

Commentary YouTuber

Low-key, I thought Doktor Skipper was a real bird.

by KRJ_YT May 14, 2021

Part Skipper

A word for when a weeb wants to be a dingus to someone who watches jojo by saying that they skipped parts

You canโ€™t send jojo related memes, part skipper you havenโ€™t watched that part yet!

by naviiii September 2, 2019


anything that is completly not cool and that nobody likes; or something completly idiotic.

wow that flesh eating fungus is almost as bad a skipper; man i pulled a skipper when i put a hampster in my ass.

by John Doe August 14, 2004

3๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

skipper flipper

When a woman is bathing or swimming naked and her labia ebbs and flows with the current of the water. Usually occurs in a woman with an above average size labia.

Beth and Tommy decided to go skinny dipping at the lake. They stripped down and entered the cool morning water, wading out until it was up to their waists. From nearby, they heard an old man laughing. They turned and looked real quick and noticed a man on the shore fishing. He said to them, "Holy shit girl, you have some mighty long vagina lips. You got a skipper flipper going on there." Beth screamed, Tommy laughed with man.

by Nutzen YerMouf June 16, 2017

223๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dr. skipper

the ghetto verison of dr. pepper

kid: mommy, will you buy me a dr. pepper?
mother: no son, we are too poor. how about i buy you a dr. skipper instead?

by skin May 17, 2005

73๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Part Skipper

People who skips JoJo Parts. Like for example a person who starts watching JoJo Part 3 just because its cooler than Part 1.

Guy 1:"damn Imtiaz is a Part Skipper"
Guy 2:"Frickin loser"

by Part 6 isn't that bad April 27, 2020

Ryland Skipper

Is a virgin
Secretly likes FORTNITE
Might have a crush of Charli D'maelio

KID #1 hey ryland what did you do on saturday?

Ryland Skipper: i played fortnite, jacked off to 7 year old amongus kids and shoved a used tampon up my ass AGAIN
KID #1: Dude you have no fucking friends

by Cringy Retard February 16, 2022