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Slang term for this females name, lives with her head in the clouds, but like any other ho...she will do anything for money she works at the gas station legally (and illegally) conducting business.

Yo nigga, you seen that bitch Starre lately?

by U Kno What It Is December 20, 2008

8πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


He is a good friend, sweet, average looking guy who can play football really good and also is popular. If your looking to laugh or get advice from somebody go to star! He also has a big dick

That boy star is dope i m glad to be his friend

by Woodadvice March 21, 2018

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Star is the best friend to ask for she is always there when you are sad and will never leave your side because she will always be next to you and she will always stand up for and sometimes is crazy and horknee <3

Star:don’t be sad just over a guy they aren’t worth being sad
Girl:thank you I think I needed that.

by Youwillneverknowwhoitis October 25, 2020

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A name 12 year old girls think is a good name for their Mary Sue OC.

Great another OC named, Star

by That Weird Soft Emo May 8, 2020

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Star; My dogs name; Queen thicc; ur mom.

Damn Stars looking thicccc

by Alissa oop November 8, 2019

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Star is an adverb used to make words "Bro-Friendly", which can be classified as "abbroviation". It can be added to the end of any word, and used in a wide variety of contexts.
Originated from the "Slap Star"

Hey Jake- Star, Max is Bro-Yacking. I think hes hella On-Star. You should go and help him-Star

by Sam F Bernard August 2, 2009

4πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


Star is the incredibly hottest guy to ever walk the planet. This is not, however, his real name, it is a code name that my friends and I use to identify him. He has the most gorgeous blue eyes God ever created, and he is just totally, certifiably hot. I really really really really really really like him. Chao.

Star is the hottest guy in our entire school, dontcha think??!

by GobbleDeeGook November 30, 2005

9πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž