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Stay at Home Mom Bomb

A popular shot taken by stay at home mothers and cougars to get through the day/night. The shot includes a handful of Vicodin or Percoset washed down by a cannonball chug of Chardonnay or other boxed wine varietals.

April always wondered what her mother did all day. Until she came home early from school to find her mother and a full set of cougars taking Stay At Home Mom Bombs in the living room.

by Geo_ox July 9, 2010

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Should've-stayed-at-home day

A day when every single thing seems to go wrong, like dropping thing up to bumping your head against everything.

person 1:Ouw! WTF!
person 2:what's the matter?
person 1:hit my hand with a hammer, after i hit my head against the window.
person 2:major bummer.
person 1:it's a Should've-stayed-at-home day.

by DJ MTL February 13, 2012

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Works at stay at home mommy

See โ€œUnemployedโ€

Name: Shana
Job: Works at stay at home mommy

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 February 1, 2023

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why don't you stay at home more often

A full-spectrum insult. Said at anytime and anyone to a silly remark.

1. A: I think Facebook friends are phoney.

B: Why don't you stay at home more often?

2. Chairperson: any more questions?
B: Yes: The speaker failed to tell us the real secret behind his vacuous smile.
Speaker: Yes I did. Why don't you stay at home more often? Do you want me to repeat that? Oright: WDY-SAHMO?

by vivauganda February 2, 2011

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i don't want to go to school today i want to stay home and bake cookies with you

from the movie Space Jam. Often used by men who are dating women that are no good for them, in circumstances such as Facebook. usually found by the next girlfriend many years later.

(On a guy's facebook page) "I don't want to go to school today I want to stay home and bake cookies with you...(insert skank's name here)".

by nonymoose999 April 28, 2011

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stay at home defence

A player who shows consistent lack of skill/talent/ability. You place these players as far away as possible from scoring opportunities. They show some ability in that they can skate and hit. Coaches will often tell them it's because they are needed back to protect the net.

Oh, I don't score because I'm stay at home defence

by stayathomedefence March 24, 2017

stay at home trainee

Stay at home trainee usally a female that is in middle or high school that is trained by thier mother tinned a future stay at home wife. They usually look for the kids with the most money to be thier boyfriends and later in husbands. Stay at home trainees usally wear yoga pants to attract a mate and uggs and a simply southern shirt. They also play in band just in case of they are getting a divorce and are getting kicked out of the house. Sometimes they can be spotted with the popular kids group. Thier main goal is to have a wealthy husband,Mercedes SUV, Louis Vuitton handbag,etc. They also have large breasts and big bootys

Man Allison is such a stay at home trainee I wish I was her!

by Honda_Otaku December 1, 2016