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The stupid fuck about me doesnt know what hes talking about. I dont have anything against straight edge, but I do hate the lil self-important ass clowns who put others down because they dont do what they do.
Now, stoners are generally cool guys. the like to smoke weed and just cool out to some good music. They dont force weed on others, but are more than willing to share if someone wants so too. They are usually looked down upon by the rich, religous, and all-around ass clowns. Dont buy into the the negitive hype, stoners are cool guys.

Straight Edger: ZOMG!! You a stoner!! Your nothing but a worthless piece of shit who is killing our society, for no other reason than my mommy told me that pot was the devil planet!!

by W.R.C. Murphy July 12, 2008

17πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


Stoners are usually regular, productive members of society; Stoners have jobs, pay bills, can own cars,their own homes, even businesses. Stoners do everything normal, regular people do, except that Stoners also smoke weed. Potheads are those individuals that usually live in their parents basements or their mama's house, can't seem to get their shit together, and usually don't have much going on for themselves except smoking weed.

i.e., "The difference between you and me is that I get up every day, drive my car to my job, pay my rent and my bills, and I smoke weed: I am a Stoner! Whereas you don't work, don't want to work, you just want to smoke weed, borrow money and ride your bike to the store to buy munches: You are a Pothead.

by Tygarr13 July 19, 2013

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


An incompetent dolt that wishes in life only to get high, Forever working at Burger King or Spencers. Wondering where life went wrong, A collection of bongs worth their entire life savings. Drives only 15 year old Hyundais with 420, Bob Marley and Grateful Dead stickers covering it.

Bob: Man I showed up so stoned for the SATs i only got a 1100!

Frank: I showed up after a bottle of tequila and 3 beers and got a 1580. You probably should not be a stoner, Maybe you should be so drunk you urinate on the proctor next time...

Sally: I came in blind stinking sober and got a 1228, maybe next time a bottle of vodka for breakfast.

by The_Drunken_Nun August 17, 2012

6πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


One of the most relaxed people you will ever meet. Tend to be very chill people

Guy 1: "Hey are you a stoner?"

Guy 2: "Uhh yea how could you tell"

Guy 1: "Your just so relaxed I could tell"

by Weed phalantrophist August 15, 2009

7πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A useless member of society that smokes marjuana on a daily baisis. They don't like it when you look down on them because they think they are actually worth something. In reality all they do is go home in thier studio apartment (or freeloading off an unfortunate Roomate) smoke a joint, then do a podcast. activities of a stoner involve giggling uncontrollably, Liquiding (Strange arm movements, probably a mating call), Listening to dubstep, and eating what ever munchies thier roommate has to offer. Stoners can habitually be seen at bong stores, outside 7-11, under bridges, ect.

Steriod Monkey1:Hey! see you see those stoners over there?

Steriod Monkey2: Oh yeah!


by Yourmothersnewboyfriend February 17, 2011

13πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Same thing as a pothead; A person who smokes marijauna

The people hanging out in the park smoking weed are stoners

by Disgruntled Winnipeger August 14, 2005

26πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


A person who lounges around, smoking cannabis, to avoid daily responsibilities and blames the government for their low wages.

1: You remember that stoner that dropped out of school?

2: Yeah isn’t he working at McDonald’s, even after 8 years?

by CaptainDeadpool69 March 7, 2019

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž