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Stoney Crook

Created by Mr. Pookie & Mr. Lucci. Its the name of their record label & group. The name if from their old apartment complex Stoney Brook located off of North Audelia Road in Nawf Dallas (North Dallas)

Stoney Crook In this bitch

by CL.UNT July 14, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stoney Lonesome

Slang term for prison, dating back to the early twentieth century. Can be found in John O'hara's "Appointment in Samarra".

A man can lose his hopes, and his mind, inside the walls of the Stoney Lonesome.

by Julian English January 29, 2005

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Stoney Face

The condition one gets when trying to not look high on marijuana. Most commonly seen on first time users. consists of opening eyes extremely wide, small smirks, jaw clenching and short usually one-worded answers followed by long rambling ones.

Mom: hey honey did you have a good time?
Kid: yeah.
Mom: are you alright?
Kid: yup.
Mom: why are you smiling like that?
Kid: oh I was just thinking about this thing that happened, it was really funny, kyle fell, but he also fell and took down this old lady, but none of them were hurt, that wouldn't have been funny, that would have been really sad...(Etc.)
Mom: you're high.
Kid: no I'm not.
Mom: yes you are you got Stoney Face, just go watch cartoons.

by Tortellini friendship May 21, 2011


A bomb-ass treat you create when your really stoned and hungry.

That milkshake with oreos, milk, chocolate syrup, and a snack pack was an amazing stoney-treat last night!

by Stoney McStonerson55 September 17, 2010

15๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

stoney bologna

The state of mind one can reach through the act of smoking marijuana. One can indentify if stoney bologna is reached through the followiinng; uncontrollable giggling/laughing, the inability to form sentences, the need to consume any/all food around you, ect.

"Yo...I'm stoney bologna. Pass the marshmallow mateys."

by Heather, Caroline, Mindy & Katie March 31, 2007

132๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

stoney creek

the one place where everyone just walks around the parks and down the streets looking for weed. all day, everyday, we just look for weed and smoke it in one of the many forests or down by the lake in Winona. but there are always assholes who try and make you stop and get out of the forests, but we just tell them to fuck off.

<1> "yo whats goin down"
<2> "wanna chill in stoney creek and look for bud?"
<1> "sure"
<3> "you shouldn't do that!"
<1> "fuck off"

by creeks August 26, 2007

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Stoney dipstick

A sexual maneuver involving two partners. The partners begin in the "missionary" position. After the partner on top has finished having intercourse he stands over the other pointing his penis towards his partner's mouth. He then proceeds to "dip" his penis into her mouth as if he were checking her for oil, often exclaiming "Bloop!"

After he finished giving Alana the business, he hopped up on his feet and gave her a Stoney dipstick. Bloop!

by jd315135125 January 18, 2010

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