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strategic clutter

(noun) an organized mess, where it's chaos but you still know where everything is

"my room isn't messy, it's just full of strategic clutter"

by osn4p August 8, 2009

Strategic Whiffing

A term used in the hit E-Sport game, Rocket league, for strategically missing the ball in a way that allows your teammates to not feel bad about how inadequate they are and how good you are.

My buddy James will never know he only made that shot because I decided that strategic whiffing the ball would improve his day.

by ProjectA July 19, 2019

Strategic Shaving

Wearing distressed jeans and shaving only where skin is visible through the holes.

Yeah I went to this pool party after strategic shaving and kept having to explain smooth patches on my otherwise scruffy legs.

by GoMeat! February 19, 2011

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strategic breakup

Breaking up with your girlfriend right at the start of summer when the ocean of short shorts and miniskirts flood the streets.

The girlfriend thinks its spontaneous but the boys know is strategic.

"I just broke up with my girlfriend, it had to be done"

"Yep, its June 1st, textbook strategic breakup, summer is by far best time to be single"

"yeah I hope she takes me back in the fall when the babes start wearing pants again"

by d1sKoBisCuiT June 10, 2017

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strategic hold

When one can't escape from a situation quickly to take a dump and therefore locks their butt cheeks up until the urge passes. Such as in the case of a long sales meeting or group presentation.

The stupid meeting took so long I had to execute a "strategic hold" to prevent from shitting my pants.

by Skin Sub Guy March 24, 2015

Strategic Incompetence

Avoiding unwanted work by emphasizing one's own incompetence and/or praising someone else's greater competence.

"I would address the wedding invitations myself," said Cecile, in a dazzling display of strategic incompetence, "But my handwriting is practically illegible."

by YoshinoyaBeefBowl May 25, 2021

Strategically dominate

When you play really well on a discord reality game, so much so that you get robbed at fourth place

"remember the time I Strategically Dominated that big brother org 6 months ago"

by bb-org god April 9, 2021

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