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Subjective Vagueness

Subjective Vagueness is the type of vagueness used to refer to concepts and ideas that depend on each one's subjective to be applicable. The term applies to soft sciences and spiritual and extraphysical issues, which depend from a subjective view and an empathetic and sensitive analysis in most cases.

"Subjective Vagueness and Objective Vagueness are really useful to determine what is a hard science, a soft science and a spiritual science, but both are misused by skepticals for call everything as pseudoscience."

"Subjective Vagueness and Objective Vagueness were created as way to show a part of the Problem of Pseudoscience and how it could be possible to slove it."

"It is not because something has subjective vagueness, that this concept is a pseudoscience, remember of that."

by Full Monteirism January 16, 2021

Subject Zero

One hot ass bitch in Mass Effect 2 and 3. She's got good tattoos, badass attitude, and some powerful biotics. In 3 she becomes a teacher which turns out to be a good career option for her.

"Testing on Subject Zero was a mistake"

by Dovahkiin1144 February 23, 2019

subject b

A person who is willing to have their mouth surgically attached to the asshole of the person in front and also have a person attached to their own asshole as depicted in the epic thriller 'human centipede'.

Wow look at Lauren, she seems like a wild girl!
Yeah! I bet she would love to be subject b

by jim carrey the fiddler October 10, 2013

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Subject Delta

The main character of Bioshock 2. ( the sequel and less successful version of Bioshock )As the first Big Daddy made, he is awaken 10 years after the incident, and is somehow given his own personality, a trait that only he has within the Big Daddies. Subject Delta has the ability to use plasmids along with Rivet guns, drills, and any other weapon a normal Big Daddy can use. One big difference between Subject Delta and Mr.Bubbles is that Subject Delta is a retarded failure.

Person 1 : I love this new version of the Big Daddy.

Person 2 : Faggot

Person 1 : But Subject Delta is so cool.

Person 2 : He's the same except for the fact he looks like a boner from the waist up.

by The Awesome Kid In Your School March 14, 2010

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Grey Subject

AKA Gray Subject

- A term to describe a subject in which one may refrain from giving an opinion because of fear of backlash from both sides of the argument

- A term to describe a subject in which both/all sides of a debate have compelling points, but neither can get to a conclusion

- "Are you pro-life or pro-choice?"
- "That's kind of a grey subject for me so I'd rather not answer."

by RW250 March 13, 2017

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subject l.o.s.t

Last Official System Tester for the void exploration programme, Their name long forgotten Subject L.O.S.T wanders the dark void in search for innocent victims to devourer

You heard about Subject L.O.S.T? No? Good keep it that way.

by TheKeeper909 November 25, 2016

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Subjected Hobby

When you give your girlfriend something to do so she doesnt spend so much time trying to talk to you

Boyfriend: hey honey im back from shopping i just bought sims 3
Girlfriend: oh really ive never tried it
Boyfriend: here go ahead... (gives disc) -thinks: yes! it worked!
(Girlfriend disapears)
(Boyfriend at peace in living room watching southpark and star trek)

...Subjected Hobby

by Maverick Aegis November 26, 2010

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