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new england superhero

A man or woman who drapes a cardigan over their shoulders and ties the sleeves in front.

The Starbucks down the street is rife with New England Superheros on Sunday mornings.

by shannonkg July 17, 2006

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The Age of Superhero Movies

The era of rapid superhero movie releases, marked by the release of "Batman Begins" which will continue on through June 19, 2020 with the release of DC's Green Lantern (subject to change).

Ah, do you remember The Age of Superhero Movies? That was the time, man.

by EdhellenBrannon October 29, 2014


when you have sex with someone who looks like a caveman and he feeds you bison meat while giving you a dirty sanchez and fingers your ear hole.

Brandon: Come get a J Dogg the Superhero
Joel: Got the bison meat ready?
Bradon: Damn right bitch.

by the ebay stalker May 10, 2011

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Superhero hammerjack mode

The state at which men try to develop superhero senses to hear, smell, feel, see, and possibly taste someone coming anywhere near five feet of the bedroom or bathroom door when masturbating.

Man, i totally went superhero hammerjack mode yesterday, my mom almost caught me bumpin the monkey!!!

by Albusdumbledore July 18, 2011

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Ladies Love a Superhero

Is a band that is from wales, they sound really amazing!

~do you listen to 'ladies love a superhero'~
~yes, they are an amazing band~

by ~KayChaos March 21, 2013

Who Wants to be a Superhero?

-A reality show on SciFi created by Marvel Comic legend, Stan Lee, creator of Spider Man, The Hulk, The Fantastic Four and X-Men.
-Contest where everyone auditions to be Stan Lee's next big comic book hero and attempt to win the prize of their own comic book series and their own SciFi Channel movie.
-Contestants must come into auditions with their own original costumes, character name and powers.
-Contestants must always wear their costumes and participate in tricky not-so-obvious challenges.
ie their first contest seemed to be change into costume and race to the finish line when in fact--the real test was to save the girl who was crying that she was lost at the water fountain near the finish line
-"Heroes" are cut each week should they 1-fail the challege or 2-do something un-hero-like (ie lying, cheating, bragging, etc)
-"Heroes" are eliminated with the phrase "Turn in your costume" which they are ordered to throw into a trash can that ignites on fire by lightening
-First season's characters have included: (in order of elimination) Levity, Nitro-G, Cell Phone Girl, Iron Enforcer, Monkey Woman, Tyveculus, Creature, Lemuria--those still on the show are Major Victory, Fat Momma and Feedback

-If its your dream to become a comic book superhero, then you should audition for Stan Lee's "Who Wants to be a Superhero?" on SciFi.

by LogansMarvel August 18, 2006

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modern day superhero

a wanna be superhero with absolutely no super powers who insists he is the savoir of all. He truly lacks any common sense and is remarkably dumb. His intergalactic travels consist only of being abducted by aliens once and being probed for many hours.

Travis was jealous because a modern day superhero stole his glass of milk.

by Brooklyndt21 September 29, 2006

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