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a girl who's sexy, loyal, and honest. she has a beautiful heart, and always sees the best in people. but once she's been hurt, there is no changing the way she views you. you has a forgiving soul, but you can only hurt her so many times before she cuts you out of her life for good.

man, i think i really messed up with tay. she's the most genuine and beautiful girl i've ever seen, but i've fucked up so many times i can't even get her to talk to me. i really miss her man.

by your girls mcm March 31, 2017

357πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


The cutest person ever

Person one: did you see Tay?
Person two: yes, she’s the cutest person ever!

by SmArtpers0n July 17, 2022


A fine ass boy , u wish u had all the time, kinda freaky but you'll like it

Tays soo damn fine

by Leslie garcia333 January 8, 2018


a sexy biatch

That Tay at the party last night was hitting on you!-like totaly man!-TOTALY!

by Tay March 30, 2003

734πŸ‘ 289πŸ‘Ž


Tay is mostly used as a nickname for many variations but you can be assured that they are bad bitches with hearts pure as gold. You never wanna lose a Tay because they always have your back through the good and the bad.

Damn I need me a Tay!

by Trilla007 March 17, 2017

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


beautiful brightest hearted and deserves the world sometime sad but a strong willed person who deserves everything and the sexiest and best person alive usually has a blond friend and hangs out where she wants sassy and if u lose her its on u boo, tai`s are the worlds greatest people u break them they will throw hands if u have on ur lucky they are like all the goodest things in the world and deserve it all ur one dumbass bitch if u lose one never pin anything on them cause they don`t deserve it. if u ever make them cry your a really terrible person and they will cut ur ass out of there life u just are`nt worth it no second chances there are goofy spicy sexy hot beautiful smartass people and have amazing personalitys who are badass angels and ur the lucky one

guy 1:tai is a badass
girl 2:i wish i was her
guy:i wish i had her
girl 2:keep dreaming she belongs to none

by i am snatched 101 March 7, 2019

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Tay tay

only the BIGGEST BITCH ever to talk they face of this planet. she is the ohysical manisfistaion of the devil himself. if you ever meet her you should run for the hills because she will rip out your fucking hear and then throw it into her gigantic gaping vagina like the fucking wormhold that it is.

"damn tay tay is the biggest bitch that i have ever met!"

by The Gus Bus May 5, 2009

38πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž