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someone who writes fucked up and stupid books for stupid people to read. Other times you can be cool if you write books with loads of cuss words in them, or write stuff that is actually interesting and not completely stupid, and full of characters we actually care about

Most authors are horrible at writing.

by bread infection April 28, 2008

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Real Author

A "Real Author" is someone who has at least 500 people show up for book signings. It has nothing to do with being an international best seller or owning your own mountain purchased through your book sales. It only has to do with how many people show up to get you to sign their books.

"So, how many people are out there?"
"There's about 200 in line!"
<sigh>"Still not a Real Author"

by Skua September June 18, 2018

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Authority boner

When a someone, who generally has no authority, is given authority. Thusly, resulting in an erection due to over confidence and an inflated self-worth

When the mall cop saw some kids loitering where they shouldn't be; he instantly got an authority boner at the thought of kicking them out of the mall.

by We fixed the glitch1111 September 22, 2017

Authors Anonymous

The epitome of enigmatic epicness, Authors Anonymous is a renowned writing club with individual chapters dispersed throughout the Greater Los Angeles Area.

Students at Azusa Pacific University started their own chapter of Authors Anonymous in 2009 to counteract the imaginative torpor that afflicted the Christian campus as a result of censorship and legalism.

by Dalek62 November 5, 2011

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author's page

On UrbanDictionary.com, it is where one views an author's total definitions, such as one's own. Now accessible not only by clicking on the hyperlink of one's UD authorial name following his\her definition, but also by searching β€˜author {author's nickname here}’ in the search bar found in the upper right-hand corner.

For my own author's page, click on the following link: author Victor Van Styn. . . or, click on my little grey underlined name found directly below this definition (immediately succeeding β€˜Source: ’ and preceeding β€˜, Wyoming, OHio {Queen City}, Sept 19, 2005’; inbetween the two).

by Victor Van Styn September 19, 2005

122πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

author's page

On UrbanDictionary.com, it is where one views an author's total definitions (such as one's own). Now accessible not only by clicking on an author's name at the end of his\her definition, but also by searching β€˜author {author's nickname here}’ in the definition search bar found in the top-right corner.

For my own author's page, click on the following link: author Victor Van Styn.

by Victor Van Styn September 19, 2005

122πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Authority Zero

An awesome punk rock band from Arizona that combines political punk rock with reggae and spanish music to create a sound like no other band. Their CD Andiamo is great and anyone who listens to punk rock should buy it. Trust me, if you buy it, you won't be disappointed.

Authority Zero is an excellent band with a unique sound.

by punk person February 9, 2005

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