Source Code

Colombian Piss

After drinking one or more coffees in a given day, your piss begins to smell like coffee. The more coffee consumed, the more pungent the smell.

Roommate 1: Who's brewing coffee?
Roommate 2: Nobody. I was up all night studying.
Roommate 1: That's one Colombian piss.

by gary coleman009 October 1, 2009

98๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Colombian Cold

the aftermath of a heavey cocaine sniffing session

''you coming down with some thing dave''

''nah just a colombian cold''

by stackdale December 17, 2007

44๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Colombian Catastrophe

Explosive, stomach spasming diarrhea brought on by drinking too much coffee in the morning and not enough breakfast.

Bob- Hey Bill What's up??
Bill- Not now Bob, I've had three cups of Maxwell House this morning and I'm about to experience a Colombian Catastrophe...

by PRC 123 July 22, 2011

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Colombian Necktie

See also: Cuban Necktie.

A slit across the neck just below the jawline, where the chin meets the neck, with the victim's tongue hanging down through the wound.

The victim was found sitting upright in a patent leather chair, traces of cocaine on the desk, and suffering from what police only describe as a Colombian Necktie.

by Jimmy Hardcore April 3, 2004

351๐Ÿ‘ 103๐Ÿ‘Ž

Colombian whites

Colombian whites is another name for Colombian exported Cocaine. Famously mentioned by Robert California CEO of Sabre/Dunder Mifflin.

I got into a case of Australian reds... and... how should I say this, Columbian whites. - Robert California

Colombian whites go well with Australian reds

by Statsradiofonien January 30, 2019

Colombian white


Marty brought some good Colombian white to the club last night.

by Alcoholic Know it all December 13, 2020

fake colombian

Someone with Colombian heritage but was born in the US. Will wear the countries colors but does not know the history nor meaning. 60% of their wardrobe is Colombia apparel. Will not know what chipi chipi is.

There goes another fake Colombian cheering for our team, I wish they would hang themselves.

by Shijalude February 19, 2014