Source Code

Aux Cord

The blood and lifeline of a Car trip it is handed around the car so that all the homies can partake in playing there sweet jams you until some shitter plays Nickleback then the aux cord is immediately yanked and not to be returned to said homie.

Homie 1: Pass the aux cord bro

Homie 2: Yeah Bro!

Homie 1: Plays Nickleback

Homie 2: What the fuck bro!

Homie 3: Fuck that bro!

Homie 4 : Fuck off!

by USAFmondesir October 23, 2014

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Carti Cord

A discord server filled with brainwashed rats and creatures that listen to Playboi Carti

Erik is so f** annoying bro, how is mans not banned from carti cord yet? :droidcry:

by Jayyify January 22, 2022

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Umbrolical cord

The invisible cord connecting two or more bros, distance irrelevant, through the mysterious medium of testosterone brotherhood, as if from birth.

My husband loves me but, I can't seem to cut the umbrolical cord between him and his college roommate.

by Skubaskub November 26, 2010

Cord Sharp

A person who one or more people feel is the coolest peson among the group. This person will be the guy in the group who allways does stunts like climbing things or dumping in school auditoriums.

Dude your soo cool....your nickname is Cord Sharp

by Trey Davison May 24, 2007

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dummy cord

1) A lanyard (or leash if you prefer) applied to something you wish to keep on your person while you perform acts which may result in said object's irrevocable loss.

Ex: Tying a length of paracord to your fishing knife so if you drop it, it won't plunge to the bottom of the ocean, thereby leaving you to cut that salt encrusted bowline with your teeth.

2) The act of applying such a lanyard to your equipment.

1) "Ya got some dummy cord? I don't want to lose my compass when we jump."

2) "Dummy cord that radio for me so we don't lose it when we hit the surf zone."

by Chumbucket November 2, 2006

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Pornbilical Cord

Ethernet cable used for a laptop computer, often seen tangled or trailing across the livinroom floor from ones open bedroom .

I told forrest we were blazin this one on the back deck but he said nah, couch cuz his pornbilical cord wont reach that far and he wants to bump this one jam from youtube. not to mention once we kicks it his high ass is finna 'do him' right thurr on the couch... thats my guess.

by steambanditsteve February 3, 2010

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umbrellical cord

The short, narrow strip of fabric attached to the outside of an umbrella. When used, it furls and tidies the fabric into neat folds and keeps it from flapping, taking up space and wetting those around it. Often it has a snap on the end that connects with its mate when the cord is in use. More modern umbrellas use Velcro instead of a snap.

Sue: Hey, use your umbrellical cord, man, that umbrella is all dripping on me.

Pete: Sorry, I can't, the snap ripped off and I can't afford another one right now.

by Defgrl May 22, 2008