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darwinian exception

A total loser. A person who's best DNA ran down the leg of their daddy. Anyone south of the Mason-Dixon line...

Tom: "Fred is a total idiot."
Jim:"A true darwinian exception"

by jimbojones55 April 2, 2010

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The Shreyas Exception

The idea that wearing socks prevents any action from being gay. Unlike the Sock rule which makes sexual activities not gay, the Shreyas Exception is the unwavering belief that nothing you do can be at all gay while wearing socks. In extreme cases, those who swear by the Shreyas Exception sometimes claim that not wearing socks is in itself a homosexual act, and as such sometimes avoid changing socks for long periods of time.

"Hey, did you see the guy with the rainbow flag? Do you think he's Gay?"
"No way, he has socks on, that's The Shreyas Exception, remember?"

by RockfallMaster September 21, 2018

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Exception Ex

The Ex who is an exception to date again.

I'm dating my exception Ex now.

by Jigsaw0203 October 26, 2017

immaculate exception

some one who the normal rules don't apply to; Jesse Mack Gore II Esquire; someone who has the ability to have the most irregular situations work out to their benefit; also someone who has to suffer the most outrageous negative situations that shouldn't be humanly possible

Thats some Immaculate Exception shit right there.

by Jscmack November 5, 2022

except the penguin

Chill out, calm down, just really excepting life.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?"

"Dude except the penguin"

by DounutBum June 10, 2005

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Exceptional Learner

An oxymoron, this term refers to disabled students, mainly those with mental disabilities. This term does not refer to high-achieving students, or highly intelligent students. "Exceptional" in the term is a nice way of saying any of the following: retarded, handicapped, helmet-wearing, parapalegic, disturbed, etc. One should not, however, be mislead into thinking that persons who simply have a physical handicap are automatically stupid.

Fight softy political correctness that is misleading, and refer to exceptional learners as what they are: retarded, disabled, handicapped.
"That exceptional learner's helmet is exceptionally shiny."

by c1iffyabl0nski March 20, 2006

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Homosexual Exception

Homosexual exception occurs when you are heterosexual yet you are sexually attracted to only one person whom is of the same sex, yet you are still heterosexual.

Samantha: I seriously have a homosexual exception for Linda! But I'm hetero!!
Carl: Um that is cool, I guess. Idk? What is that?
Samantha: It means that even though I am straight, I have a crush on Linda, whom is female.
Linda: R-really? :)

by Raven Nevermore January 26, 2017

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