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A highly attractive woman that's banging. Just like the Pink Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, who owned a pterodactyl and was motherfuckin hot.

"Hey Ronald, look at that fine-ass pterodactyl over there!"

"Yo Kevin, holla at that hot-ass pterodactyl! She'll spread her wings for you."

"Alex, you can't handle that pterodactyl, she's too much you."

by ronzpeed December 14, 2009

9πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


A sexual act. The male, or appropriately equipped individual, performs doggie-style coitus on their partner. Upon nearing climax said individual will grasp the sheets, or bed coverings, and display them as they are wings. This individual begins to flap their newly acquired, "wings." This individual then squawks, simulating the sound a Pterodactyl makes while completing the process of coitus.

I went full Pterodactyl on her ass last night.
I tried to give her the Pterodactyl but she flipped out when I started flapping my sheet-wings and screaming.

by MattyIce7 October 30, 2017

4πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


When a girl is giving two handjobs and a blowjob at the same time, resembling a pterodactyl flying.

My girlfriend suggested my friends and i perform the pterodactyl with her.

by beerun June 8, 2010

5πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


to smoke so much weed that you feel like you are flying higher than a Pterodactyl.

i am going to sit on the couch watch robot chicken and smoke till i am Pterodactyled.

by freakpinhead March 17, 2009

4πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


the act of having sex while making a dinosaur noise

"She was pterodactylling me last night while we were roleplaying dinosaurs. It was the kinkiest thing i've ever encountered."

by dinosaurlova April 19, 2010

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The term "pterodactyl" is used to describe a unsightly, deformed girl /guy casting a ominous presents clocked in makeup or eclipsed in darkness.

Pterodactyls typically have sexual activity on their hidden agenda. These sexual predators scheme ways to their objective "your body" using deception and deceit.
The villainous crusade is checkered in obstacles, despite all that, pterodactyls remain undaunted and determined creatures, "borderline rapist" avid for human touch.

This term was invented and started among the clever people of Minnesota to help friends improve communication and awareness in this unfortunate encounter.

The most common strategy employed by pterodactyls for attaining their aspiration, typically would be promotion of heavy drinking. This makes less of a struggle when they swoop in on you during a vulnerable state, absconding to a secluded location with you in custody.

by /b/b/ May 27, 2009

5πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


a girl who possesses a slutty mentality; but seriously lacks in her abilities to be one. These abilities might include, but aren’t limited to- looks, social skills and actually having intercourse. They are under the belief that they are the hot shit- but more often than not are laughed at or quickly forgotten. It completely lacks in self-awareness, often lying to itself, saying that she rejected a certain someone. The pterodactyl is also a social danger in having a rare but severe problem in making new friends.

These pterodactyl make you often think to yourself – β€œWOW! evolution hasn't really finished it's job yet! by all accounts these should have been extinct.”

by GoGoAndy October 24, 2007

7πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž