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polyphoinic ringtones

Really Cool ringtones. They sound like the actual song, unlike the beep, beep, beep of monophonic ringtones. Get them at zingy.com

I have poluphonic ringtones on my cell.

by The Asociation of Ooblah and Night Camp October 23, 2003

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ringtone effect

This is when you put one of your favorite songs as your ringtone and then overtime you hear it over and over again until you eventually start to hate the song that you used to love.

joe "I just made soulja boy my ringtone!! I love that song!!!"
2 weeks later
joe "fuck soulja boy everytime my phone rings i want to die!!! thanks alot ringtone effect!"

by joephone July 7, 2009

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Ringtone Flashback

(n.) an emotional experience triggered by someone else's ringtone. The particular ringtone is typically associated with a specific event or person. This event occurs often with iPhone users because of its popularity and limited ringtone options.

1) Steve's ringtone is my alarm on my phone. Every time he gets a call I have a RINGTONE FLASHBACK, and I want to stab him in the neck.

2) So every time Sally gets a text message, I kinda get a half-chub. She has the same ringtone as April-Big-Cans. I get a RINGTONE FLASHBACK to last summer every time.

by Wrat9000 December 14, 2010

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Turkish Ringtone

A cell phone ringtone that is so unconscionably obnoxious, that, without hesitation, you must fill any available orifice (typically the anus) of the offender with your penis (offended male) or handheld/strap on phallus (offended female). This act is not homoerotic if the offender and offended are of the same sex, it is merely a tactic to display supremacy over the offender, and to cease the offensive ringtone in such a manner as to keep it from repeating after the offender has been defiled.

Dude, ditch that Turkish Ringtone before you find yourself smuggling sausage in Browntown!

by Sofaking Wiitodded November 15, 2010

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Custom ringtone close.

Someone who is close enough to you to have a custom ringtone in your cellphone.

Jim: "I didn't know you were friends with Sally."

John: "Oh yeah; we're like custom ringtone close."

by Chaz Walker December 16, 2009

Change your ringtone

The proper term for "anal bleaching".

I got to the club late because I was changing my ringtone.

No, mom, I don't want to help you change your ringtone.

Yeah, Bob, the way you changed your ringtone really brings the room together.

by Hoos1492 August 17, 2018

Ringtone R&B

R&B music that lacks soul and emotion and has similar to ringtone rap. Lots of pop and hip-hop elements and usually sings about "ma shawty", "ma boo" with a random Ayyyyy.

The Dream is ringtone R&B. Joe is real R&B.

by Kyle 230 December 7, 2009