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Slippery-slope slippery slope

A slippery slope is the perceived danger of a "bad" behavior or situation easily degrading into an even worse behavior or situation, resulting in a downward spiral.

Declaring that something leads to a slippery slope is a common tactic in fearmongering.

Following this definition, a "slippery-slope slippery slope" is a situation in which people accept baseless slippery-slope arguments too readily. This leads to the inevitable acceptance of dangerously ridiculous slippery-slope arguments.

"...but once you give a pass to seemingly reasonable evidence-free slippery-slope arguments, you end up with people arguing that state-subsidised health insurance leads to death panels. It's a slippery-slope slippery slope!"
- M.S.
"No, you can't have that stuff, it's junk"
The Economist
Nov 5th 2010

by Kurishae November 11, 2010

14πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

hitting the slopes

doing lines of coke, particularly in obscene situations and obscure quantities.

anish was hitting the slopes last night

by quaps on quaps December 22, 2011

70πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Slippery Slope

A small event that leads to a chain reaction of events with unintended consequences that were unforeseen at the time of the inciting event.

you being late with that package caused there to be the slippery slope effect

by OGmudbone412 December 13, 2016

99πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Slippery Slope

A slippery slope is a situation in which events or actions readily progress from one to the next.

When the mother found an empty bottle of whiskey in her lazy teenage son's bedroom, she warned him he was on a slippery slope toward a life of indigence and destitution.

by Glacial Spain November 30, 2005

382πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž

slope man

The one true all power full god we all shall bow to his might his opposite is verticals line they are evil all hail slope man

β€œGive slope man your soul please”

by Cult of SlopeMan January 21, 2020

Slippery Slope

If you let one nigga slide then you gon’ have the next nigga thinking he can do the same thing and so on and so forth.

I let him slide one time now he thinks he can keep doing it again and again, what we have now is called a slippery slope. Now ima have to beat his ass.

by anonymousthot August 21, 2018

44πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Slope Dude

A man who is obsessed with slopes. He is always positive on everything, and loves to smoke. But he hates things that are undefined.

That guy over there? He's such a Slope Dude.
Slope dude smokes too much

by applesandgrapes October 22, 2017