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A potato that's It just a potato. That's really not good at anything but being a potato

Essence: Titan omg you're such a Titan

Titan: wtf is that supposed to mean.

by Sldvshak December 20, 2016

15πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Titan is a gay teenager that has been through an adopt me phase. Anyone with the name Titan is absolutely disgraceful and a menace to human society.

Titan is our classmate from our school and he has an addiction to the hit game genshin impact. He is VERY gay and has a crush on levi ackerman. He definitely likes to meow to every hot daddies he sees.

He is a bottom.

Ai: "bro that titan dude has been playing genshin for 6 hours in class."
Kei: "what do you expect? he's gay. he definitely simps for zhongli."

by ai n kei explains amogus lore March 16, 2022


Rose should have died and jack should have survived

No shade but Jack was way too hot for Rose

I just watched Titanic and it’s so fucking annoying because Rose should have died and jack should have survived

by TheTeaIsSpilled May 28, 2019

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Juggernaut - Massive Power

The power of the Titan could not be out done.

by Keon July 19, 2004

94πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


Saturn's largest moon.

You: Did you see the titan-landing?
Friend: Indeed! Wish I was on that spacecraft =/
You: I dont think so, long trip :P + it is too small for a human and it froze after 2 hours on the ground. Sorry m8..
Friend: Never mind...
You: :P

by w00dy January 16, 2005

102πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž


To pull a Bruce Ismay and get into a lifeboat despite the fact you are not a woman or a child. If a friend abandons you for no good reason and leaves you behind, he/she has "titaniced" you.

Claudia and Sofie agree to catch the bus together. Claudia is 4 minutes late, so Sofie gets on the bus anyway, thus titanicing Claudia.

Claudia: Damnit! Sofie has titaniced me again!

by Amtwat July 6, 2012

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


to engage in sexual activities inside a car long enough to steam/fog up the windows from the inside

Last night, my girlfriend and I were totally titanicing in my car, I couldn't see anything out the windows!

by jinny_212490 December 9, 2013

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž