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Temple Monkey

Noun. A racial slur relative to Porch Monkey but for people of Jewish decent.

Yo check out those Temple Monkey's picking up pennies!

by Benhar February 12, 2009

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Water Temple

A level in the game, "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time." Regarded by many as one of the most tedious and difficult levels ever conceived. Also one of the leading causes of divorce amongst gamer couples.

Spouse A: Honey, will you help me with this Water Temple?
Spouse B: Sure!

by Psychotic Pseudonym September 26, 2009

433๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž

temple 420

a religion in which smoking herb is appropriate. This religion saves you from being sent to prison for having possesion of marjiuana. If you are pulled over by the police just show them your member card and they'll let you alone. To become apart of this organization you must send 100 dollars.

Thank god for temple 420. It saved my ass from being put into jail.

by eitak420 November 8, 2007

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Moon Templed

(verb) Referring to visiting the Moon Temple Bar in Wallingford, Seattle. To have been Moon Templed is to wake up the following morning having eaten and drank more than you thought physically possible, but you've only spent about $17.

Last night, my friends and I got totally Moon Templed! I'm feeling super rough today.

by SeattleLibrarians May 1, 2012

Temple of Dudeism

a. most holy place for all dude kind

b. any place a group of dudes congregate

c. Your in it dude

a. Let's go worship the dude gods at the Temple of Dudeism.

b. Let's go to the Temple of Dudeism and party.

c. You take the Temple of Dudeism with you as long as you're being dude.

by frazier9495 February 15, 2008

Temple University

Temple University is the Harvard of Philadelphia. Not really, but the students could kick any Harvard boy's ass because Main Campus is in the ghetto. Don't bother going to the Center City campus unless you want to get mugged, Ambler Campus is a joke, and Tyler is the art school...with artsy people. Definitely the best university ever. Temple is better than Drexel, UPenn, and St. Joe's combined. Seriously.

I'll kick your ass, I'm from Temple!

by Temple Bitch. November 10, 2004

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Water Temple

Hylian for, "waste of your motherfucking time."

Friend 1: Hey man did you complete the water temple yet?
Friend 2: *spontaneously combusts in a burst of frustration and agony*

by Bananamanagram January 17, 2015

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