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grass and tortilla

when you rip out someone's pubic hairs (grass)

and put it in a used up condom (tortilla)
then you have a traditional grass and tortilla meal.

commonly known as G&T

Girl 1: Oh my gosh, Sharon and Tony G&T'ed last night.
Girl 2: What's G&T?
Girl 1: Grass and Tortilla
Girl 2: Oh that sounds yummy! Can I get one from Chipotle?
Girl 1: *no comment...*

The leftover G&T and little blond, curly hairs stuck to the condom by the semen. Delicious.

by DoorKnobKnock May 10, 2011

70πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Tortilla Nigger

Pejorative reference to Mexicans.

Boarder Patrol Agent: Get up out of that gully you Tortilla Nigger.

Illegally Crossing Mexican: Que?

Donkey show patron #1: I can't believe what I just saw.

Donkey show patron #2: Tortilla Niggers will do anything for a peso.

by Pelihu April 13, 2009

135πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

crispy tortilla

When a person prematurely ejaculates while wearing his underwear and then the ejaculatory fluid later hardens and becomes crispy, yet flaky, like a tortilla.

Matt- "Hey Zac how did your date go with Tristan?"

Zac- "Dude, she dry humped the shit out of me and gave me a crispy tortilla."

Matt- "Way to go Zac, way to go."

by Duke 0f York October 16, 2008

33πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Tortilla Muncher

A person who is known to chew on elderly women's breasts.

Person 1: I saw Victor chewing on some elderly woman's saggy tits.
Person 2: What a tortilla muncher.

by The Gay Mankini November 22, 2018

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

tit tortilla

sometimes, when you've got a big titted babe on her back..her tits sink down flat like tortillas! olΓ©!

hey girl, this is aint no mexican restaurant! put away those tit tortillas!

by haruuur June 4, 2010

Tortilla Tits

When a chicks tits are as flat as tortillas.

Guy 1: She has no chest dude.
Guy 2: Either she is a guy or she has tortilla tits.

by The Chaingang February 27, 2010

Making Tortillas

Another term for scissoring

Did you hear that Lupita and Aj were making tortillas last night? They must’ve had a really good time.

by y’ore mom have big gay February 28, 2018

19πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž