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tranquilizer dart

A weapon that should be banned internationally. It is a dart that drugs animals so they cannot save themselves from being taken to a zoo, relocated, moved to another habitat, being tagged, or a checkup. It is also used for recreation by animal abusers who know it's illegal to kill the animal.

Zookeeper: You're going to be moved to new habitat, whether you like it or not! *shoots cheetah with tranquilizer dart* Mwahahaha

by frabrizio January 9, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Penis Tranquilizer

A person who is so ugly, that when A man with an erect penis sees the person, their penis immediately shrinks as if they jumped from a hot tub into a cold pool.

I was at the beach when I saw this girl who had some nice tits. I saw the tits and got a huge erection, but I lost my erection when I saw that bitches face. She was a penis tranquilizer for sure.

by BigDaddyTeddyBear June 24, 2011

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The horse tranquilizer

When a male humanoid who breathes oxygen mixes their semen with cyanide or a different known posion, this sexual act is typically done in BDSM, and it is required to do this with a female above 400 pounds in weight. It is also legal in all 50 states


"Yeah, I gave IT the horse tranquilizer!"

by Yesman64 April 4, 2020

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Reflection and tranquility room

Restroom toilet pisser porcelain thrown crapper shitter break powder room bathroom stall publicbathroom dropping a deuce pissing shitting alone time

I will be back. I'm going to the reflection and tranquility room. "Why do you call the bathroom that"...reflection is what I achieve from the mirror, deep into my soul after the tranquility I've experienced from a full emptying of my guts".

Hey, I left you some lines in the reflection and tranquility room-: bruh you're the best!

by hardyanimal December 13, 2019

Tranquil tu carne

the spanish way of saying calm your meat. Usually used around the area of GTOWN, MD, namely NWHS.

Spanish 1-Ey you aint gettin dat girl jajajaj
Spanish 2-tranquil tu carne lls

by jajabetlls January 25, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tranquillity High School

A school in the San Joaquin Central Valley that is long understood as one of the worst schools in California. It busses in kids from the local towns too small to have their own schools such as San Joaquin, Helm, and Cantua Creek. Along with having a new under-qualified principal every year it also has a corrupt school board. It also is nearly all mexican-american and is overrun with poser emos , and Fresno Bulldogs gang members who would shit their pants in a real gang fight such as those in Fresno. Most kids end up either pregnant, drug addicted, or join a gang. Around 80 percent chance of attending and failing at Fresno City College.

Mom: "Kids since we are moving to Helm I'm enrolling you in Tranquillity High School


by O-B-City April 13, 2010

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large mammal tranquilizer

1. a strong tranquilizer usually used to sedate bears and horses
2. a drug some people take to relieve depression and make some people look prettier

1. Old McDonald had to shoot his horse with a dose of large mammal tranquilizer to operate on it
2. Large Mammal Tranquilizer will calm you down (and probably kill you)

by PlayDohMan May 11, 2004

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