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Tropical Depression

When you’re in Florida and you’re depressed.

Kirby I’m suffering from tropical depression.” - Leah

by leahjjade September 5, 2018

11👍 1👎

tropical breakfast

After a long night of drinking, a meal consumed upon waking up consisting of a corona and a banana to ease yourself into the day

My day would have been a whole lot worse if Ben didn't wake me up with a tropical breakfast!

by Thunder_cheeks February 17, 2019

Tropic Thunder

A very potent strain of marijuana that was brought back by an American soldier after the Vietnam War. After it was smuggled back to the United States, the solider (who chooses to remain nameless) cloned and continued to grow it in his basement in South East Michigan for his own personal use to cope with his post traumatic stress disorder. Strangely enough, the strain was nameless for forty years, until the only person to sell it sold it to his friend after a group tutoring session. When asked what it was called, he said “I don’t even know, but this stuff has been around for a while though, this 50yr old war Veteran grows it in his basement”. The friend replied with “You can’t possibly sell something this good and not even name it! If he got it back in Vietnam call it Tropic Thunder!” With its lime green leaves, radiant orange hairs, and silvery crystals, it’s easy to distinguish it from other strains. Its initial smell is that of any dank strain; however its taste has been compared to Arizona Mucho Mango. This strain is believed to be almost completely sativa, due to its reported psychoactive properties. Running at $20 a gram it would appear to be overpriced; yet with its sweet fruity flavor and potency comparable to LSD it’s well worth the price.

Caller: I hear you have some dank called Tropic Thunder. Is it really as good as they say it is?

Ray: Hell yeah I do, and hell yeah it is. This be the shit they smoked back in 'Nam.

by ckboarder September 29, 2009

201👍 70👎

tropical oasis

the place where you eat lunch outside; usually under a tree or an a bench

a relaxing place to be happy and eat with friends

(note: you dont look like an idiot if you eat alone here)

"why do you always eat here?"

"it's like a tropical oasis!"

o wow your right!"

by qacko123 October 8, 2009

16👍 3👎

Tropic Thunder

A master piece comedy released in Augst 2008 and it is starring Ben Stiller, Robert Downey Jr. and Jack Black. It makes fun of actors like Eddie Murphy, Russel Crowe, and Sylvestor Stallon. The film is hilarious. If you liked Zoolander, then you would love Tropic Thunder.

Robert Downey Jr. did an amazing job being a dude playin a dude disguised as another dude in Tropic Thunder.

by adudeplayinadude January 16, 2009

96👍 33👎

tropical bitch

A bitch that pussy taste like fruit lol

She been eating fruit all day she must taste good , She A tropical bitch

by girlgurl January 24, 2014

8👍 1👎

Tropical Sensation

The best tasting fruit smoothie consisting of orange juice, bananas, strawberries, etc. Only Celly, Anus & Boris can make proper Tropical Sensations.

"Dude that Tropical Sensation I just drank is better than a Hand Jammer

by AnusGirl May 27, 2010

17👍 4👎