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Left Turn Olympics

Also known as the Daytona 500, NASCAR’s biggest day! Kind of cool to see, even if you're not a fan. Many go for the wrecks that you can experience without actually being in them. Food, beer and Merch are also a draw. People watching is as much fun as the race its self.

I went to the Left Turn Olympics to drink beer in the sun and see wrecks!

by Sonicbo0mz February 14, 2021

cape cod left turn

When your at a dead stop and have to turn right onto the highway going 60mph then turn left off the highway into a parking lot, pull a U-ie and then take another right into the 60mph traffic

Traffic on Cape Cod in the Summer sucks, youve gotta take a Cape Cod Left turn to ever get going left on the highway

by PeeOnMe1776 July 15, 2023

turn left to greenland

This is how you got to America.

So tell me, How did you find America. Turn left to Greenland (hah)

by GeorgesBrackets January 17, 2022