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mah' MAN (var.)

(said with emphasis, but while looking very casual and distratcted; popular term now among young white women): a boy friend who forgets to pick you up at the 7-11 after your grungy 8 hr. shift, but with immortal words "be right back, baby" then asks you for a Jefferson to buy some "smokes" back, baby" and is gone for 5 hours.

No. I don't need a ride. Mah' MAN is gonna be here soon.

by Petronious February 17, 2005

3👍 33👎

det var ju lite lit

a phrase yoused by the famous kajsa from the small swedish podcast m-wave esu

ah okej men fan det var ju lite lit och så - kajsa

ja jävlar asså -sebastian

by sebeeasu September 22, 2019


A group from the fuckin car that has the most fucked parties

Yo bro u goin to the fuckin VAR BOYS party

by Smokedarts69 December 21, 2018

boon da var

not sure

boon da var that was awesome

by March 4, 2022

vem var det som kasta

Du, det var du som kasta

Person 1 — Vem var det som kasta?!

Person 2 — Det var jag!

Person 1 — Spela upp klippet för mig!!

by gaymemeboi July 21, 2020


Video Action Reply.

Oddly this scientifically backed technological breakthrough is doubted by a small yet vocal collective of men from Sheffield, Stow & Granton who believe this mythical video technology is some mental government conspiracy to make football vile & rotten. There is no claim that it’s being used to Sheffield Wednesday’s advantage as they as pish as always. There is also evidence that the collective is actually one man.

A shaken Adam Prostley said: “I hate VAR & the council. They’re both vile rat 🐀 scum”.

by Riach December 11, 2020


Var is a noun to describe playful jealousy

This word comes from early 2023 made up by millennials to stay relevant and relatable to gen z but quickly disappeared the origins of exactly who made it is unknown

1“I’m so var of your cute new shoes

2“You’re just var because I have a cool bag

by Wise traveler July 10, 2024