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vacation dick

Penis of such large size, one can only take it as much as vacations.

I met a guy last night with the perfect vacation dick. But i cant take it again for a while.

by Daveguys April 10, 2016

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vacation dick

A huge penis that you only want inside of you once every couple months.

This guy had a vacation dick I don't know if I can handle it again

by IloveyouVenezia April 10, 2016

117๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

vacation dick

As opposed to boyfriend dick.
A penis that is so big, it proves unrealistic for long term use.
Better used every now and again, like a vacation.

"Are you going to see him again?"
"Not for a few months, he's got that vacation dick. As much as a constant vacation sounds good, my body can't handle it 24/7.

by jb181382 April 9, 2016

99๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

vacation brain

the 1-2 days before vacation when you can't get much work done because your brain is already on vacation

I haven't been able to get shit done at work today. I have vacation brain.

by juswannabangonmedrumallday November 24, 2009

23๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gentlemans vacation

A vacation Grown Adult Men Take together. Leaving behind all the annoying things in life work,wives,girlfriends and children.

Me- " I am going to Cancun in March

Girlfriend " Spring Break? But you are 26"

Me- No, Spring break is for kids. This is a Gentlemans Vacation

by GwynneTastic January 29, 2010

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Masturbation Vacation

When a male or female takes a break from their normal masturbation tendencies. Usually to increase sexual pleasure during intercourse, also used as a challenge.

How was your Masturbation Vacation?
It was tough, but totally worth the wait...

by Jake & Drew March 9, 2011

psychiatric vacation

A popular practice in prison when a convict reaches a level of boredom or emptiness so severe that he or she embarks upon a plan to go โ€œplaycrazyโ€ in order to get some sightseeing done and a temporary change in housing and usually much better meals in what may be an ingenious process of self-care.

I knew that Iโ€™d be seen as manipulative if I followed through with my prison savvy plan to take a psychiatric vacation but I was willing to suffer the blowback because quite frankly, my emotional needs are more important than my reputation at this point in my life.

by Dr Bunnygirl October 16, 2019