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It all started witch Vlad Tepes(Vlad Dracul) who made up strict laws,punished with impaling,if ever broken.The merchants and outsiders that used to trade within Transylvania,the transylvanian saxons especially,made up stories while not being at home,about how cruel the current leader is,naming him Dracula,meaning more or less Dragon.His father earned the title Dracul for bravery,and recieved an amulet depicting a snake biting his tail in a circle.Transylvania(currently in Romania;))was a pretty exotic place for western europeans,so Bram Stoker used these rumors to create a story witch remains even now famous to the extreme.Sadly people these days are trying to create an alternative image regarding vampires...witch results in an epic FAIL!

twilight fan-listen dude you just goota check this vampire shit out!
original dracula fan-sorry dude.while your gay twilight actors are being manipulated to brainwash teenagers from alover the world,bela lugosi is actually as we speak drinking the blood of hundreds of people to sustain his everlasting lifeforce,and ruling the world behind the shadow....ok i'm just joking.
twilight fan-omg you're like so right...i'm gonna go burn all my twilight collectibles now,bye.

by DeadHashbrother August 27, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


There are two types of Vampires, known to mankind.

1. Anorexic men that glitter in the sunlight. They are perfect in every way imaginable. These vampires aren't real, and can only be seen in badfics. See also: Gary Stu, and/or Mary Sue.

2. Creatures of the night, that feed on human blood. If sunlight touches their skin, they will explode into a poof of dust! They usually have 'Widow's Peak' hairlines, with black hair, and very pale skin. Their wardrobe consists of very expensive looking clothes, and a devilishly good cape. These vampires can usually be heard in the castles of Transylvania, playing their large, and dusty pipe organs.

1. Edward Cullen is one of them new fangled Vampire things...

2. The most famous vampire ever, was Dracula! It is still debatable whether or not he existed!

by The_Exuberant_Face August 16, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Any creature that feeds on another's life source or fluids

2. A parasite

3. Vlad the Impaler

1. one ex: of a vampire is a human being that feeds on blood, energy, or sexual fluids

2. ex: an organism that needs another body in order to survive such as a flea

by Sarah M...227 May 27, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fictional charicter that sucks blood

man 1: dude that Vampire sucks blood

Man 2: well duah

by Rebekah Lee June 8, 2012

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Vampires are real, unlike ghosts, fairies and werewolves, who clearly cannot exist under the laws of physics.

Vampires are as real as the chair you're sitting in. They do not sleep in coffins during the day, because as they are members of the human race, they are not nocturnal and the sun does not kill them. Often times, however, vampires are sensitive to the sun. They have to squint quite a bit unless they have sunglasses, and they may get sunburned much faster than other humans due to their pale complexions.

The vampires do not all necessarily drink blood, and none need blood to survive. The ones who do drink the red liquid probably only drink small amounts given to them by their lover. In that case the blood is seen as a binding gift that lovers exchange as a promise to one another.

There are some vampires that do drink the blood of small animals frequently, but those people are truly deranged and are at risk of getting rabies and other nasty diseases, so I wouldn't emulate them if I were you.

Psychic vampires are the most common, however about 50% of psychic vampires do not even realize that they are sucking the life out of everyone around them. They are so used to being negative or taking their feelings out on others that they cannot comprehend the negative effects their tirades may have on those around them. Some psychic vampires, however, take from their victims intentionally. They get a sense of happiness and well being when they make others around them feel worse. Perhaps you know someone like that? There are many of those types creeping around.

The majority of vampires tend to be romantic and sensitive, but of course there are exceptions as always. Many are artists, musicians, writers; or "right-brained" thinkers. Real vampires tend to enjoy all forms of literature and media that deal with fictional vampires, because they are reading about their own kind. Even though some ideas in books and movies are a little far-fetched, vampires give the artists/writers a bit of slack because stories do have to be entertaining, after all.

Vampires can be somewhat 'Goth' or 'punk'; basically they are not very preppy, as preppy people are usually too happy, tan, logical or "left-brained" to be bothered by things of the underground. Vamps are not always depressed as some people may think, however it is true that they are not afraid to let their emotional side shine through and have a good cry every now and then, or every day if that suits their fancy (I myself am one to cry quite a bit, yet anyone would argue that I am a very happy, upbeat person).

If you truly believe you are a vampire, you should seek help at the 1-800-IAM-VAMP 24 hour hotline, where a qualified vampire counselor will be on hand to help you cope with your newfound identity.

I'm only kidding.
But you will know what you are when the time comes. Being a vampire is nothing to be ashamed of, so embrace it if you are one, and accept the vampires for what they are if you find yourself utterly normal.

Good day, ladies and gents.

I am a vampire, so you'd better believe it.

by Lady Tremaine July 11, 2008

42๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž


Vampires are mythical creatures that suck blood and do not sparkle like in twilight.

The vampire is a mythical monster

Vampires are everywere

by Hiphopbunny197 December 10, 2015

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Someone who stays up all night and sleeps throughout the day.

"Hey bro wheres Kyle at?"
"He stayed up all night last night, he's a vampire, c'mon you should know this."

by Gasseduptutle July 4, 2018

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