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Viagra Triangle

A sub set of the "Rush Street" nightlife district on Chicago's Near North Side. So named for the abundance of mostly-affluent older men who frequent the local bars, and the "triangle" where State and Rush Streets come together (with East Bellevue Street being the base of the triangle, anchored by Gibson's restaurant, the unofficial headquarters).

The gentle ecosystem of the Viagra Triangle could not exist without a fully-stocked pond of anxious, and artificially infertile females. Seven years prior she may have been called a "Trixie" in and around Lincoln Park, but with an East Bank membership, a Platinum card of her own, and several upgrades to the base Lexus, she is looking for more, while her looks and latest Botox treatment hold out).

Though, claimed as fact in other definitions, it is extremely rare to see participants in the Viagra Triangle scene parking their behinds, much less their Flying Spurs and 911s, anywhere south of Oak Street or North of Cedar. The important, and notable exception is when the bars in the triangle close, and he has not yet sealed the deal. In such cases, overtime must be played at The Lodge on Division Street, which is open til every bit of 4AM during the week and 5AM on the weekends ("if three bottles of Cristal have not done the job, maybe a few PBRs will," is the thinking).

Seriously, guy, you're never going to get anywhere with the chicks in the Viagra Triangle, they all require a personal financial statement before sitting down.

by ChicagoMike September 9, 2008

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Natural Viagra

Have you ever seen a Brazilian with a small pp?
No! That's because they know the secret of the rainforest, The Brazilian wandering spider.
The Brazilian wandering spider will have women wandering for hours just for a chance to have a turn with you.
1 bite and you will have an erection lasting for hours. In some cultures the spider could even join in for the fun ;)

IGN: I can finally compete with my black coworkers after using Natural Viagra 5/5

by Daz and Shift May 24, 2021

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

horse viagra

1. extremely powerful viagra

2. viagra for horses

1. That was one helluva big erection, this stuff is horse viagra.

2. farmer: Okay Bobby, I just fed you some horse viagra! Now you go show off your new and improved willy to the rest of them horsies!

by Pooty__Toot March 15, 2008

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Walking Viagra

Girl so hot she gives you an instant hard on.

Megan is walking viagra, she gets me hard every time I see her.

by BahRalSucks January 28, 2021

Viagra Bottle

A nickname streetracers gave to NOS, or nitrous because of the blue bottle it usually comes in. Many racers look down on others who use it.

How did Billy run a 10 second 1/4 mile? He had a viagra bottle in the back of his trunk.

by A mortal God December 10, 2009

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viagra falls

When you have an erection lasting more than six hours and it finally comes down.

He popped so much viagra that he was up all night waiting for viagra falls.

by K Mart May 1, 2008

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visual viagra

Something that is so hot it will give someone a boner merely by their eyes' reception of photons that are either reflected off of it or in some other way represent it. Colloquially used to describe particularly attractive women. Use to describe men is less common.

Subject A: Yo dawg, dat bitch HOTT!
Subject B: Yeah dude, that's some visual viagra right thurr.
Object A: Fuck you!

by peaboner April 30, 2007

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