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Waco Wake-up Call

1) To be awakened by an excessive use of force.
2) To wake up to police/S.W.A.T. officers bursting through the door.

Jimmy was selling too much blow out of his house, so the cops gave him the old Waco Wake-up Call.

by Mdamascus December 26, 2009

6👍 1👎




dam son that’s waco

by magic raspberry October 9, 2017


White person version of the Spanish word ‘Naco

Naco can be defined as white trash.
Blake is Waco”
“Frank is Waco “
Mike was Waco at one point”

by NickCast August 18, 2022

Wounded Waco

A really beautiful man.

Wounded waco's have all the swag and get all the ladies. Are hardcore ballers and usually tall.

Who names their kid Wounded Waco?

by jsmith24 June 26, 2013