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Wen Jien

He's just a super nice dude. His aura is like happy and he sounds like BiuBiuu for some reason. He's kinda sus doe and he probably has like a hugeeeeeeeeeee cock. He's sus cuz I never see him stan girls in kpop which is why people tend to stay away from him cuz he's kinda sus. Other than that WenJien's glasses are supper pretty and every WenJien deserves respekt :).

Girl: OMG do you know Wen Jien stans

Girl 2: Ya its in his profile picture and everything

Girl: Ya I kinda want to date him but I heard he's gay tho

Girl 2: Its okay date someone like Jun Hao or something :0

by Sussy Suster February 24, 2022


Wendy Williams;
referencing her new nikes--designed by her, for her;
each sneaker has a 3 letter metal plate over laces--the right sneaker is inscribed with "BIG;" the left with "WEN."

You are so BIG WEN, I can't stand it no more!

by Wyeth October 3, 2009

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Wen Han

A good and horny friend. He likes to say stuuuustuuuuuuuuutsuuuu vroooooom vrooooom vroooooooom

wow he loves stutututut, such a wen han

by jxchok August 5, 2021

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Hao-Wen is a rare speciman. He is amazing yet humble at the same time. He enjoys long walks on the beach as well as crocs and roasting blondes preferablly at different times. Hao-Wen is shockingly charming and has a dynamic personality and enjoys kicking rocks. Pet refues include stepping on legos, annoying siblings, and summer homework.

Wow look itโ€™s Hao-wen!

by Lds is da best August 5, 2018

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wen hao

A person who is kind and friendly once you get to know him better. He does not show his expression much but will laugh at jokes. He is not a serious person and jokes around often.

You're such a wen hao

by sudjsniw April 6, 2019

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fat wen

A fat boy

Damn he is such a fat wen

by Stfu Othello outfits January 30, 2018

howard wen

A potato kid who is kinda weird

howard wen potato

by ghkjlk,mbnvcxfsrt March 1, 2017