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Wilson another word for porridge

"Mum can i have some Wilson"

by Flumpy36 May 8, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


Wilson - The act of female retaliation in return of any offensive sexual act performed by a male.

As in the film Cast Away featuring one tall Forrest Gump. Wilson is created when "Tom" cuts his hand and throws the Wilson volleyball.

Thus leaving a bloody hand print.

The same is performed by the female but instead using her menstrual cycle. Leaving the offender with a nice bloody hand print on their face and looking like Wilson.

"My bf spiderman'd me so i gave him the Wilson"

My Bf tried it on with me while i was on so gave him the Wilson

by OfficeFucktard May 8, 2013

6๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term usually to refer to one of homosexual orientation. This kind of person hides his homosexuality by pretending to like girls, and going out to parties occasionally. When drunk, this person comes out the closet more.

Did you see that drunk wilson trying to flirt with that guy?

OMG, he is such a wilson. I can tell just from looks.

by cashmoneyballa February 11, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


a guys stomach that is round and high up like they have a ball under their shirt.It resembles "Wilsom" the ball that Tom Hanks grew accustimed to in Castaway. Often "Wilson" is accompanied by skinny legs.

I told my ex that he better not go in Toys R Us because it looks like he is hiding Wilson under his shirt.

by jp1 November 27, 2006

13๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


The bizarre sexual act of defecating in a condom sealing it with a knot and then consuming it in order to defecate it again.

Hey Dan I've just done a fantastic wilson it's working it's way through my lower digestive tract as we speak.

by Daniel Gatley October 25, 2007

17๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Wilson is a certain kind of person. Usually the person freaks out when he sees a certain car (usually camaros). The person also mentions that he will be getting a new car everyday, and that his mother has seen one for him. This car usually turns out to be too expensive. This person also claims to have a penis in excess of 24". This person claims that he's had sex with 4.2 billion girls.

Damn, that guy's a Wilson. There's no way he uses Magnum Condoms.

by gary max larson February 17, 2008

13๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


The name applied to anything of great personal value that is just out of your grasp, whose collection or loss will ultimately lead to an emotional episode; often spoken passionately like Tom Hanks calling for Wilson in the Ocean.

Time: "It's almost 5pm. Almost there, weekend!! WILSON!!!"

Possession: "I bumped into the counter and a bottle of wine fell off towards the floor, so I dove to try and catch it....but Wilson was just out of reach, and shattered onto the floor. Sad day."

by Noah Webster VII March 2, 2013

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