Source Code


Something really crap, useless, or that doesn't work properly. Possible synonym for mindfuck.

OMG, did you see Leeds United last night on Match of the Day? They were really Windows!

by YANGTZE2000 September 10, 2003

25๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


An operating system created by the Microsoft Monopoly. They are only after taking your money adn screwing over your computer at the same time. O.. but I forgot.. they issue patches... and then they make more patches.. and then they make more patches... and so on and so fourth so that you think you are realy improving your computer when all your doing is updating the problem. Prefer an etchasketch over a PC running windows. Hell.. even Microsoft doesent even run a version of Windoze on their servers.

"O.. you run Windoze?....O God I'm so sorry..."

by Dave June 21, 2004

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A operating system that is widely used aroudn the world, most games and applications require it, and therefore you can see its usage. Mind you that buying windows is expensive, and you will become a bum with a copy of Windows XP Professional

Jerry : My computer isn't working
Jerry: Yeah, well Windows is like that, works one day, and doesn't the other

by Kevin Abeysekera April 9, 2004

15๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


Windows is a complicated armed forces code which really means "Dead on Site". "Dead on Site"'s acrynym is DOS and since DOS is linked to Windows they recoded it to Windows.

-"Base to CRO ((Cheif Radio Operator)), what's the TC ((tent city, code for prison camp)) look like?
-"CRO to base, we have 10 POWs who've gone through the Windows, 5 with a pal ((code for mal pal which is code for malaria)) and five friends of Jack ((Hungry Jack meals are prized possessions so friends of Jack would be people starving)).

by Sid Barrett August 7, 2008

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A peice of crap OS that has only one way to properly fix it.

1. Enter Command Prompt
2. Type 'Format C:'
3. Insert Linux Installation Disk 1
4. Follow onscreen instructions
5. Congratulations, Windows is fixed.

I fixed Windows, I got Linux.

by _|-|}06 & bOb June 3, 2005

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Something that wasn't good enough to be named Doors

Windows crashed on me again.

by Rip off October 26, 2003

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Windows is a really unstable Operating System even in the year 2005 it still crashes constantly, hogs memory there not much I can say thats not already been said, I personally Run windows 2000 pro on one partition and Gentoo on another and I'm quite happy using windows 2kpro for certain games and software and gentoo for other things.

Lamer: "Windows sucks"
Linux User: "Yeah I know, why not use Linux?"
Lamer: "I don't know how to use linux"
Linux User: "Try Mandrake or Fedora It's designed for people like you"

by Adolf Gates February 14, 2005

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