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right wing nut job

Self-indulged nazi republicans who believe that George W. Bush is the devine savior of the US and rest of the world. Usually identified by using the word "liberal" in a negative tone in every spoken or written sentance.

That Ann Coulter broad is one right wing nut job!

by Michael Sutthampham October 23, 2005

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Wing Nut

See Australian politician, Daniel Andrews.

Hey Marg; Wing Nut is on the TV again. Do you want me to change the channel?

by AusUrbanCountry March 1, 2021

Wing nut

A free spirit

She was such a wing nut

by Dancing Dina July 30, 2018


A name for a male that after a series of unfortunate events has walked into a solid object making contact with his genitals and causing significant pain.

I seen William wing-nut himself while he was walking.

by Senior Pepe January 31, 2020

right-wing nut job

The act of jacking off your partner while vaping with your tits out in a theater.

*She leans over*

"Would you like a right-wing nut job?"

by Ornery on Main September 16, 2023

Wing nutted

When someone keeps telling you stories about their son/daughters accomplishments or exploits

Did you hear Dave in work yesterday. Going on to everyone about his sons cricket team. We all got wing nutted.

by Hewhomustnotbenamed69 January 15, 2021