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one wiper

when you take a dump and are able to cleanly leave the toilet after only one butt wipe. Technically a "no-wiper" because the one wipe was just a confidence check. Living on the wild side would be rolling the dice and not wiping at all.

I was upset when I had to poop after I just took a shower, but I was less irritated when it turned out to be a one wiper.

by Merterer December 1, 2012

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on faith no wiper

A bowel movement that is so solid and so smooth that you have the utmost confidence that it did not leave any remnants in your crack.... thus leaving you to assume that wiping would merely be a waste of time.

My poop was so great that I chalked it up as an on faith no wiper. Boy was I wrong, I should have wiped. Lucky for me I was wearing brown underwear.

by wordman55 August 1, 2013

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10 Wiper

The number of wipes to rid ones ass after a nasty shit. Usually follows the day after consuming large amounts of beer (also know as beer shits).

1. I ate some Taco Bell last night and it gave me a 10 wiper.

2. What took you so long in the bathroom?

I just had a 10 wiper

by DB in MO August 30, 2008

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wing wiper

A term used to describe a member of the US Air Force.

Probably comes from the Air Force's reputation for being neat and orderly.

Did ya see that wing-wiper over there? Bet I could arm wrestle him.

by Athene Airheart May 1, 2004

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Windshield Wiper

the act of a women giving such a deep blowjob while glazing her toungue across your balls as her mouth is all the way to the pelvis bone. The toungue acts as windshield wiper to your balls.

This broad was givin me the ol' "windshield wiper" while I was watching the Sox game.

by Ryan Zedonks August 3, 2007

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Sniper Wiper

Nickname for any sniper rifle from the Gears of War series, Or the Halo series. The name comes from the first Gears of War where the sniper rifle somewhat resembled a windshield wiper.

Hence the name Sniper Wiper. Can also be implied when someone that is god like with the sniper picks it up and commences to "wipe" out the whole enemy team.

Hes got the sniper wiper! Stop him!

by MixMasterOink June 7, 2011

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Hyper wiper

An individual who wipes after deficating in an excessive and compulsive manner. Stems from an episode of The Tyra Show.

Annie wipes til there's nothing left on the toilet paper; what a hyper wiper!!!

by The voltaginator September 5, 2009

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