Source Code

Wonton sack

the word Wonton Sack is implying that you have very large Testicles and a small Dick. Referring to balls that weigh a ton (one-ton) sack.

Man 1 "Hey Regan Bro have you heard that chilli has a wonton sack"

Man 2 "fuck dude put that wonton away"

by Ceid O'Hara August 5, 2009

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Salty Wonton

When a man doesn't take a shower in multiple days and his penis and ball sack starts to smell like salt and vinger.

Dude, I have such a bad salty wonton right now!

by Punzorz December 21, 2009

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Filthy Wonton

When you are prepared to have sex with someone you never had, and after many dates and advances, you finally get it, and are disappointted by either it's smell, it's hygenie or overal physical demeanor.

"So I finally got Jamie into the sack, but bitch had the filthy wonton."

by Rukus Razor November 5, 2006

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Verb; While at a Chinese Buffet, the act of getting up mid-meal to take a poo, thus making room for more.

"Dude, I gotta wonton-boogie if we're eatin' dessert."

by Sir Smiley of Dude January 14, 2008

wonton crayon

When an Asian chick sucks your dick so hard it turns crayola red

dude last night Asa gave me a wonton crayon

by Al the mischievous May 7, 2016

wonton ballsack

a type of person who can't stop laughing at the stupidity of him/herself or his/her friend(s). typically a teenager and mostly live in Colorado

frank: id you see Stephen curry set 17 NBA records last night?
Samuel: yeah he's such a wonton ballsack!

by wonton ballsack May 28, 2015

wonton hussy

wonton hussy is a woman who is obsessed woth korean men

darian baston is a such a Wonton Hussy

by charlesblanket January 28, 2018

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