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gilmore worthy

Something Worthy for the Gilmore Girls to eat.
The Gilmore Girls are notorious for eating crazy amounts of Junkfood and Coffee.

Fifi :"They have great coffee at that new cafe down the street"
Muffin:"It may be good but is it gilmore worthy?"Gil

by Kristin O April 18, 2006

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collegefession worthy

A story that is worthy to post on collegefession.com
Something really crazy and nasty that you've ever done, usually related to sex, drugs and alcohol.

''-Are you collegefession worthy? +Yea, last night I had sex with 3 different girls, blacked out and woke up on a bench with a bra on my balls''

by collegefession April 2, 2014

Nutter worthy

A female fly enough to turn a normal man a little loopy, it's a compliment.

If she is nutter worthy, then she's a keeper.

by G-MacbookPro_witdaRetinaScreen January 21, 2015

Jersey Worthy

As defined, Jersey Worthy refers to an average professional sports player, specifically a player no one has heard of or knows by name, whom plays so well that a fan is compelled to pay 150 bucks for that players authentic jersey.

Nate Robinson scored 24 points in the fourth quarter to bring the Bulls from a 16 point deficit and beat the Brooklyn Nets. He is Jersey Worthy.

Rookie Anthony Rizzo went 3-4 today with a home run and two doubles. He is Jersey Worthy.

by GoochFace April 28, 2013

lol worthy

lol should not be accredible at any time. however if need be used, if you hear a statement that is funny and you want to let person know that you literally laughed out loud, it is lol worthy.

Kevin: Let's have a playdate sweet pea.

Sweet Pea: That was lol worthy, what are we toddlers?

by BAlleRinAZ April 15, 2009


from "Seinfeld": an attractive man, worthy of being a woman's next sex partner, particularly when her preferred method of birth control is the contraceptive sponge, and her stockpile of sponges is limited (since the only manufacturer had discontinued production).

Elaine: "Well, he's nice enough, but I'm not sure he's sponge-worthy."

by jodama December 28, 2005

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jack worthy

1) A woman that is so fine that she deserves to be thought about when jacking off

2) Something that gives you the urge to drink a shot of Jack Daniels.

1) Jill's so fine and curvey. That girl is JACK WORTHY!!

2) I just got a promotion. I think I'm going down to the bar because this is a moment that's JACK WORTHY.

by Brownie Johnson August 11, 2006

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