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The Sweetest kinda guy your ever gonna meet with blond hair and blue eyes. He’s very attractive if you ever get the chance to have a Wyatt as a friend take ittttt!!!!

Lily:Do you see Wyatt??
Paige:He’s a hottie!!!

by Taco Bell Thursday February 24, 2018

16πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


kick ass sour-cream white kid who likes to kick people in the face. He has a great girlfriend (who's mad hot) and he will never loose in a fight.

"Oh shit... wyatt just kicked my ass again

by George (The spanish way) March 16, 2010

648πŸ‘ 396πŸ‘Ž


Wyatt is the type of dude to ask for your pen and never give it back. He acts like he's better then everyone else and sometimes pretent he's as good as Jesus.

Person 1: hey, who's that?
Person 2: ugh, its freaking Wyatt, he's the worst.

by Totallyrealperson,notlongfurby May 23, 2020


A "Wyatt" has the bigger dicks out of the males in this world. Also a "Wyatt" gets more pussy then he knows what to do with it.

guy 1: is that wyatt?
guy 2: yep, i hear they get more pussy then they know what to do with it.

by dr.awesomeisacoolguy December 21, 2009

830πŸ‘ 563πŸ‘Ž


A part of the kkk or the kool koolaid klub. A fu kin ginger that believes the world resets last Thursday. Ask him idk. Fuck you wyatt lol add me

No Wyatt

by Lol sorry Wyatt. $&@ October 1, 2019

15πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Wyatt is a name for..

an awesome guy that is sweet and easy to make friends with. he is smart, funny, cute,easy going, caring, loving, and a hell-a-lot more. He is a guy you can go to and talk to and he will actually listen and care. he will ask you if somethings wrong, and he worries. He makes you feel like you are really wanted, and he is just amazing for how he is. and i love him for that. also, He is that guy you don't really see until you actually meet him. After that, you ask yourself why you didn't meet him sooner.

"Who's that kind, sweet person over dar"
"oh, him? thats wyatt, if you want to make a friend, he the guy to."

by ItZ_BlitZ December 19, 2016

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The fastest tetris 99 player in the west.

Me: I appear to have been targeted by a Wyatt, as a result I have no way to win this round

by let'sgo69 March 1, 2019

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž