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Yert Mugabe

When you close your eyes Yert Mugabe will try approach you from behind. He is of North Korea 7 foot tall with a gigantic dong. There are only 2 Yert Mugabes and there will only be two.

Person 1: like Yert Mugabe always says don’t be afraid to pass it back
Person 2: like Yert Mugabe always says don’t be afraid to let them know we are here
Person 3: oh for fuck sake Yert Mugabe not another red card

by Prime CDM September 12, 2022

Yert Mugabe

When you close your eyes Yert Mugabe looks over you into your soul. He is of Eritrean descent 6 foot 7 has a grey mullet and a ginger beard weighing 198plds. There is only one Yert Mugabe and there will only ever be 1 Yert Mugabe.

Person 1:"We just got destroyed in pro clubs division 3.
Person 2:"Let me guess was if by Yert Mugabe and his Wousego Hoolgar teamates"
Person 1:"It was indeed his meer presence led them to victory even with the offside merchant Barry on their team

by YERT MUGABE July 20, 2021


Yert, throwing something, has a relationship with the word yeet. Means almost the same thing except yelled louder

*throws phone down staircase* YERT

by ILIKEYEETINGTHINGS January 28, 2022


a version yes

want to hang out? yert

by March 29, 2023


An extremely expressive word that can be used in many situations. Often used to express exclamation.

I want to yert myself off an overpass into oncoming traffic in hopes that i will get hit by an eighteen wheeler.

by Stonedsloth420 February 1, 2019


word used by absolute legends to describe something amazing. no better way to describe it.

Just yert it!

by yertgoat November 12, 2019


Yert is the after effect when a lactose intolerant person eats yogurt specifically

1; I shouldn't have eaten that yogurt
2: yeah dude, you're totally going to yert

by unwanted-future January 29, 2019