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Yin Yang

Okay... Don't listen to anyone else because most of them are dumbasses. The spiral (Yin-Yang) is most commonly Good and Evil (White and Black), but it can be among other things as long at it's opposing the other.

Dan: Yin Yang Is spelled Y-I-N-G Y-A-N-G. Cory: No, dumbass, read a book, it's spelled Y-I-N Y-A-N-G.

by Tristan` July 13, 2008

243๐Ÿ‘ 125๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jie Yin

A girl that will always be there for you. She is kind and loyal so make sure that if you find a Jie Yin, keep her. She cares a lot about her friends and will try her best to make them happy. However, although she seems happy and makes you laugh, she is likely very emotional. She might have a lot of pent-up anger. She can be very loud but always has your best interests at heart. She can be a little insecure so always remind her you care about her. She likes music so be sure to share your favourite songs. If you like a Jie Yin, make sure to always smile at her. She probably won't get the hint but she'll see you as a friend.

"Who's that? She's really loud."

"Oh that's Jie Yin"

by Tsu November 19, 2021

Mad yin

a mad one; having a wild time.

"on a mad yin"

by lovelyjubbly45 November 12, 2019

Yin Yang

69 but make it spiritual soul bonding sex

โ€œshe wears crystals and does tarot so we donโ€™t sixty nine, we yin yangโ€

by oogieboogiebitch December 17, 2022

yin xuan

a girl who is intelligent, organised, helpful and smart. however she does not listen well in class and always try her best to chat with the teacher and disrupt the flow of the lesson. she is always on teacherโ€™s good side and is the school prefect.

thanks to yin xuan who was chatting with the teacher for the whole lesson, there was practically no class today.

by kkangkkang November 24, 2021

The Yin Technique

A old chinese martial arts move that rips your heart out. This is the name of the acual move and should be attempted by ammatures. To preforn the Yin Technique your punch has to be at 1067 pounds of force per square inch to break the chest barrier for video of how it performed http://www.spike.com/video/whats-deadliest/3045385

Dood i want to learn the Yin Technique

by nocoke4uonlyme January 7, 2009

59๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

sair yin

Scottish slang for "Sore one" or in English "Ouch that was jolly well painfull"

"I just got rejected by that wee horror Maggie McLuskie!"
"Oooh, Sair Yin!"

by Graham Macleod September 19, 2006

20๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž