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miss conception

The lady that tries to tie you down by repeated attempts to have your baby against your will.

Fundo's girlfriend turned into Miss Conception when she wouldn't let him pull out.

by auth00r June 20, 2006

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Immaculate Conception

The Immaculate Conception is the Catholic teaching that Mary was conceived in the womb of her mother, Anne, without Original Sin, as a unique gift to her, in preparation for being the Mother of God.

It does NOT refer to the virginal conception of Jesus Christ in the womb of Mary. Only TV land and people not intelligent enough to get their theological facts from sources other than popular films use "Immaculate Conception" to refer to the conception of Christ.

The doctrine of the the Immaculate Conception is based on the assumption of St Augustine's notion of Original Sin, which teaches that all human beings, from the moment of their conception, carry the guilt and stain of the sins of the first human beings. It is from this guilt that Mary is said to have been uniquely preserved.

As this notion of Original Sin isn't accepted by Orthodox or other Christians, the Catholic teaching of the Immaculate Conception is seen by them as the solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

I wish I'd had an immaculate conception like Mary, so I wouldn't have original sin.

by Scrumpmeister November 15, 2018

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lifted concepts

ideas on a higher plane of existence.

person1: That emcees sick, kid!
person2: I'm tellin' you, hes on that lifted concepts shit!

by lifeone April 20, 2006

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Cliff Concept

When one person has to make a decision between two people in their life, and they are entered into a scenario which involves the given person holding onto those two important people...over the edge of a cliff.

The decision has to made hastily, either dropping one person and continue to survive with the other, or hang onto both of them, which eventually leads to everyones death.

Using the Cliff Concept in standard dialogue:

Jacob: "If you had both me and your philosophy teacher hanging off a cliff, and you could only save one person, who would it be?"

Sage: "Well, thats quite controversial and really hard to come to a decision...I'd have to save you though, Jacob, just because you're way hotter."

by Jaykub Floyd February 12, 2008

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ejaculate conception

A term used to describe the "uh oh" moment when semen is spilled into a vagina during intercorse thus placing a baby into a woman's womb.

It is thought by great scholars that the Virgin Mary was actually not a virgin at all and that the episode of immaculate conception was actually just plain old ejaculate conception.

by KingRent October 13, 2013

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what a concept

when someone states something so obvious that you, yourself gets stunned by obvious it is

Ex: Jacob says: "Dan League sucks!" Dan replies, "What a concept."

by Omightyponi August 7, 2018

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high concept

1)Provokes reaction and thought beyond what is obvious.

2)Something that incites critical thought about itself through mundanity.

It can be invoked by using "something which operates outside the normal bounds of its medium." May also operate on the subconscious level.

I high concept thread on an internet forum may be titled: "This thread refers to itself in the third person."

Think about it.

The location of the authors is listed as "The Internet," which by itself is a simple statement of location, but it invokes questions of existence.

by Jeff Mitchell and Grayson Daskawicz-Davis December 6, 2005

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