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Tony Alamo

1 (noun): the distance at any time between a "church" and a "compound"

Folks, please join with me on this _lovely_ Sunday morning and give a warm welcome to our very special guest here at the Trinity Compound of the Brethren, Tony Alamo.

by jchristian September 25, 2008

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alamo splash

a texan style cumshot usually dealt to the face.

i alamo splashed on her face last night.

by your favorite uncle August 25, 2007

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Los Alamos

Los Alamos was a classified research laboratory site, built as part of the Manhattan Project to develop an atomic bomb, along with Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and Hanford, Washington. The site was home to a โ€œsecret cityโ€ built to accommodate thousands of scientists, engineers, and their families.

On July 16, 1945, the world's first nuclear explosion occurred when a plutonium implosion device was detonated at a site located 210 miles south of Los Alamos, in New Mexico.

by pacificshell50 August 23, 2022

Sons Of Alamo

A really great indie rock band from Sydney, Australia.

Have you heard Sons Of Alamo? Really great sound. You should check them out.

by jjjmilson March 7, 2014

Alamo Dome

Term used to describe a woman from San Antonio sucking your dick.

Yeah son, I made that ho drop the Alamo Dome last night.

by Thatboy Sy March 3, 2007

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Alamo Heights

Alamo Heights is a region of San Antonio. It's known for it's classiness and wealth, and has been known by other districts as a slang of "Alamo Whites", based on the large population of white people who go to this district.

Look guys, I know. Alamo Heights is such a wealthy district, and overall snobs. As a member of it, I can say from experience there are plenty of spoiled and snobby kids who go to that school. Granted, every school has those few kids. Anyways, my point is some people who go there aren't all rich, spoiled kids. I have many friends there and I can say for a fact we are not all the stereotype you think we are. :D

I live in Alamo Heights.

by thefitnessgramp4certest September 18, 2020

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Alamo Heights

A small charming community in San Antonio, Texas. It is one of the oldest parts of the city with gorgeous old homes and huge trees. It consists of three neighborhoods, Olmos Park, Alamo Heights and Terrell Hills. The community has a reputation for being snobby, but we really are not. I live here so I would know. Of course, no matter where you go there will ALWAYS be snobs, bitches and douche bags, so it is just how life as a high school kid is. The "snobs" at the high school are basically excluded from every party because no one cares about what you have. Heights is literally just another generic high school.

*walks into a Reagen Party
Reagan kid: "Hey where do y'all go"

AH kid "Alamo Heights"
Regan kid "That's dope, y'all bring anything?"
*Brings out the Malibu and pours some shots

by DivoRules May 20, 2016

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