Source Code

Arctic Pipeline

When a person of the female sex takes a sample of there "bowel movement", specifically a longer sample and freezes it. Then this person uses this frozen bowel movement as a sex toy such as a "dildo".

Jenny used an Arctic Pipeline last night.

by John McFie July 9, 2006

126πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

arctic dragon

when the girl is giving the guy head... just as the guy is about to cum he grabs the girl by the throat, so she can't swallow and it comes out her nose

guy 1: i totally gave that chick the arctic dragon

guy 2: you are disgusting
guy 1: what she liked it

by arctic dragon January 1, 2010

31πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

arctic 69

When a guy and a girl drink lots of cold water or a few popsicles and then 69.

Last night me and this chick pulled an arctic 69 after ice-cream.

by Derka Derk October 25, 2007

32πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Arctic Plug

First pioneered by the eskimos, an arctic plug is when instead of a normal butt plug, you substitute it for a giant icicle and see how long it takes to melt it.

"Damn, that chick finished an Arctic Plug in 3 seconds, poor Jenny over there has frostbite on her cinnamon ring now."

by roflwaffle08 March 16, 2009

18πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Arctic Monkeys

A really underground band that your mate might tel, you about at the bus stop after school. But their like really underground like nobody has heard of them at all. If you meet someone who’s heard of them that’s like winning the lottery

Yeah I don’t like popular music, I really like underground bands like Arctic Monkeys

by TommyT-Babay!!!! May 24, 2021

33πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

arctic cougar

An elder woman who sits in ski lodges with intentions of seducing younger men.

When i walked into the lodge, my sights drifted to the hot, young guy sitting on the couch; but then i realized he was laughing and talking to an old woman in her 50s. She saw me staring and winked at me, such an arctic cougar!

by SmarterPants May 20, 2008

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

arctic monkeys

the best damn band EVER.
thats all that needs to be said.
and wtf is this "the guy smoking on the cover of the album will influence little kids"? uh little kids PROBABLY wont be listening to arctic monkeys!? would they.

arctic monkeys are a pretty sweet band

by goam April 18, 2006

1033πŸ‘ 384πŸ‘Ž