Source Code

Baked Bean head

A ginger headed brummy girl.

ha ha ha look at that baked bean head!

she has head like an actual baked bean!

by slagabag August 15, 2011

2👍 10👎

bake bean nose ass

a person who just got FUCKING roasted.

get yo bake bean nose ass out of here boiiii.

by CosmicEye July 4, 2016

3👍 2👎

Bake the bean

a melkshamism - bake the bean - to make and smoke weed . Used as code .Also used to mean that you are leaving or want to leave .

shall we bake the bean?
if you have weed this probably means you are suggesting going somewhere to skin up - if you don't it probably means you want to leave the present surroundings

by ScaryJim December 9, 2004

im baked as beans

Being so stoned that you have no other way to describe but baked as beans

"yo im so high like im baked as beans."

by I'm baked as beans September 13, 2014

eating baked beans while watching cars two

This occurs when you are at a movie theater and are peacfully watching cars two eating baked beans you smuggled in to the theater. Then you are clumsy as fuck and spill the beans all over your fucking lap giving you third degree burns. Then, to add salt to the wound, a black teenager yells, "This nigga eating beans."

"Hey why did you take so much time off work?"
"Oh, I was eating baked beans while watching cars two and spilled them on my lap and got third degree burns, i knew i shouldn't have put them in the oven."

by sydthescyncekyd August 22, 2019


Bean baked means cooking twice. Once cooked, second cooked in beans, heated by beans, or cooked like beans.

Being so high ur not a human, only bean.

I bean-baked my chicken.

I am so beanbaked

by Gypsy777 August 27, 2017

bean baked burrito

cold beans on a baked burrito, sounds amazing, right? and NO, its not baked bean burrto, they’re completely different!! because for the baked bean burrito, its baked beans on a cold burrito.

“its not baked bean burrito, its bean BAKED burrito.”

by depressingbagel May 11, 2022